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Raising of Lazarus painting (1480-8) by Fernando Gallego at University of Arizona Museum of Art. Tucson, AZ. | Resurrection of Lazarus bone carvings by Embriachi workshop (c1370-1433) in Florence then Venice at Museum of Decorative Arts at Museum of Decorative Arts. Paris, France. | Raising of Lazarus (after Rembrandt) painting (1890) by Vincent van Gogh at Van Gogh Museum. Amsterdam, NL. | Ceiling painting of Christ raising Lazarus from grave by Jacob de Wet in chapel at Glamis Castle. Angus, Scotland. |
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Miracle of Christ Healing the Blind painting (c1567-70) by El Greco at Metropolitan Museum of Art. New York, NY. | Christ & the Woman Taken in Adultery (c1534-40) by Lucas Cranach the Elder at National Gallery of Canada. Ottawa, ON. | Tribute Money painting (c1612) by Peter Paul Rubens at Legion of Honor Museum. San Francisco, CA. | Meal at house of Simon the Pharisee painting (1706) by Jean Jouvenet at Beaux-Arts Museum. Lyon, France. |
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Meal at home of Simon the Pharisee painting surrounded by Baroque filigree plasterwork at Wieskirche. Steingaden, Germany. | Wedding at Cana painting (1528) by Veronese (Paolo Caliari) at Louvre Museum. Paris, France. | Head of Christ painting (c1579-86) by El Greco at McNay Art Museum. San Antonio, TX. | Savior of the World painting (c1600) by El Greco at National Gallery of Scotland. Edinburgh, Scotland. |
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Agony in the Garden painting (1590-5) by El Greco at Toledo Museum of Art. Toledo, OH. | Silver plate embossed with scene of Christ directing disciples where to cast net (1738) engraved with names of local fishermen at Ulmer Museum. Ulm, Germany. |