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John James Audubon folio of Grey Rabbit (Easter Cottontail). AR. | John Woodhouse Audubon folio of Nuttal's Hare (Mountain Cottontail). AR. | John James Audubon folio of Northern Hare (Snowshoe Hare). AR. | John Woodhouse Audubon folio of Texian Hare (Black-tailed Jack Rabbit). AR. |
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John James Audubon folio of Black-tailed Hare (White-Sided Jack Rabbit). AR. | John James Audubon folio of Little Chief Hare (American Pika). AR. | Hasenhaus drawing (1749) showing rabbits controlling the world as ordered decorated by Emperor Maximilian I at Historical Museum of City of Vienna. Vienna, Austria. | Rabbit detail of Natural Language bench at Kelowna Library. Kelowna, BC. |
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Rabbit mosaic at Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Park. Vancouver, BC. | Carved oak chest front with rabbits & dogs at La Purisima Mission. Lompoc, CA. | Tapestry detail of rabbit at Anderson House Museum. Washington, DC. | Detail with rabbit of Venus, Mars & Amor painting (c1505) by Piero di Cosimo at Berlin Gemaldegalerie. Berlin, Germany. |
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Detail of Intarsia wood mosaics panel of rabbits in Intarsia Hunting Room at Coburg Castle. Coburg, Germany. | Hedgehog & rabbits sculpted from plant matter in shop at Viktualienmarkt. Munich, Germany. | Ceiling painting portraying draped elderly man holding rabbit by Franz Georg Hermann at Kempten Residenz. Kempten, Germany. | Rabbit detail of Lady & Unicorn tapestry series (c1500) from Paris at Cluny Museum. Paris, France. |
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Inlaid stone floor detail with dogs chasing rabbit at St Chapelle. Paris, France. | Rabbits on painted shop sign. Riquewihr, France. | Embroidered detail of rabbit from Apocalypse Tapestry at Angers Chateau. Angers, France. | Detail of rabbits on Flemish tapestry from Oudenaarde at Chenonceau Chateau. Chenonceau, France. |
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Rabbit tile on ceramic stove (1749) from Danzig Poland at Chambord Chateau. Chambord, France. | The Rabbit painting (1866) by Édouard Manet at Museum Angladon, Jacques Doucet Collection. Avignon, France. | Rabbit stenciled in halls of Iowa State Capitol. Des Moines, IA. | Relief of rabbit (coinin) at Great Blasket Centre museum on Dingle Peninsula. Ireland. |
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Vienna porcelain plaque painted with rabbit, goldfish & flowers still life (c1799) at Pitti Palace Ceramics Museum. Florence, Italy. | Painting of rabbit & hawks on Fall River Carousel. Fall River, MA. | Mosaic floor of jackrabbit by Wesley Huenefeld at Aurora Plainsman Museum. Aurora, NE. | The Rabbit Hunter (c1945) by Oscar E. Berninghaus at New Mexico Museum of Art. Santa Fe, NM. |
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Rabbit painted on wall of La Placita. Albuquerque, NM. | Rabbit detail from the Unicorn Tapestry series (1495-1505) made in The Lowlands at The Cloisters. New York, NY. | Painted ceramic tile with fairy & rabbit by Rugerio at Kelton House Museum. Columbus, OH. | Painted ceramic tiles with dragon & rabbit by Rugerio at Kelton House Museum. Columbus, OH. |
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Black-tailed Jackrabbit limestone floor mosaic detail in Great Hall of State at Fair Park. Dallas, TX. | Toy rabbit collection in Moehrig Blank House at Conservation Plaza. New Braunfels, TX. | Rabbit, tortoise & fox painting by John Bucknell Russell in entrance hall at Haddo House. Methlick, Scotland. | Painted wall detail of rabbit at Huntingtower Castle. Perth, Scotland. |
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Child with Rabbit painting (1835) by William Matthew Prior at Shelburne Museum. Shelburne, VT. | Rabbit & bird detail on Fauna Folly by Jef Raasch in Madison CowParade. Madison, WI. | Table clock with rabbits at Laramie Plains Museum. Laramie, WY. | Rabbit tiles in cloister (Seville 1620) of San Francisco Monastery, Lima donated by Inca Princess. Peru. |