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Quilt with logos, trains & scenes of California railroads at Tuolumne County Museum. Sonora, CA. | Quilt of Franklin D. Roosevelt's dog Fala in Presidential bedroom on USS Potomac. Oakland, CA. | Quilt (1888) with U.S. flags made to support Harrison's presidential campaign at Benjamin Harrison Presidential Site. Indianapolis, IN. | Bed with antique quilt beside cradle at Grouseland. Vincennes, IN. |
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Bed with antique William Henry Harrison campaign quilt (1840) at Grouseland. Vincennes, IN. | Four-poster bed with quilt at Mayflower Society House. Plymouth, MA. | American eagle on quilt at Mayflower Society House. Plymouth, MA. | Detail of James A. Garfield for President quilt (c1881) at The Strong National Museum of Play. Rochester, NY. |
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Coverlet with American & Cuban flags in master bedroom at Roosevelt's House Sagamore Hill NHS. Cove Neck, NY. | Pieced quilt (c1896) made from silk William McKinley campaign ribbons at Cleveland History Center. Cleveland, OH. | Quilt of cattle brands at Institute of Texan Cultures. San Antonio, TX. | Embroidered coverlet at Spanish Governor's Palace. San Antonio, TX. |
Embroidered animal on coverlet at Spanish Governor's Palace. San Antonio, TX. |