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Greek ceramic pyxis with horses on cover from middle geometric period (780-760 BCE) at Kunsthistorisches Museum. Vienna, Austria. | Greek Geometric terracotta Pyxis with four horses on lid (760-750 BCE) made in Athens at British Museum. London, United Kingdom. | Greek terracotta Pyxis (760-735 BCE) from Athens at Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. | Greek terracotta pyxis with four horses (750-700 BCE) from Athens Antikensammlungen. Munich, Germany. |
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Athenian terracotta Pyxis (box) with modeled horses (c740 BCE) decorated in geometric style at Louvre Museum. Paris, France. | Late Geometric pottery horse pyxis (735-720 BCE) from Athens, Greece at University of Missouri Museum of Art & Archaeology. Columbia, MO. | Athenian terracotta Pyxis (box) cover with modeled horses (c740 BCE) at Louvre Museum. Paris, France. | Greek terracotta pyxis lid with three horses (760-750 BCE) from Boiotia at Getty Museum Villa. Malibu, CA. |
Greek ceramic model chariot with warrior from Attica late geometric period (760-740 BCE) at Kunsthistorisches Museum. Vienna, Austria. |