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Terracotta Indus Valley Civilization humped bull (3rd millennium BCE) from Pakistan/India at Dallas Museum of Art. Dallas, TX. | Conception of Buddha-to-be in Queen Maya's dream sculpture (c100-300) from Gandhara, Pakistan at Asian Art Museum. San Francisco, CA. | Queen Maya's Dream Explained sculpture (c100-300) a scene of Buddha's life from Gandhara, Pakistan at Asian Art Museum. San Francisco, CA. | Birth of Buddha-to-be sculpture (c100-300) from Gandhara, Pakistan at Asian Art Museum. San Francisco, CA. |
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Buddha's visits his former wife sculpture (c100-300) from Gandhara, Pakistan at Asian Art Museum. San Francisco, CA. | Death of the Buddha sculpture (c100-300) from Gandhara, Pakistan at Asian Art Museum. San Francisco, CA. | Standing Buddha schist sculpture (c200-350) from Gandhara, Pakistan at Asian Art Museum. San Francisco, CA. | Buddha's first sermon sculpture (c200-400) from Gandhara, Pakistan at Asian Art Museum. San Francisco, CA. |
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Bodhisattva sculpture (c200-350) from Gandhara, Pakistan at Asian Art Museum. San Francisco, CA. | Muslim inscribed ceramic tiles, white from Syria (16th-17thC) & blue from Pakistan (18th-19thC) at Five Continents Museum. Munich, Germany. | Jade cup (1650-1750) from Northern India or Pakistan & with French fittings added at Asian Art Museum. San Francisco, CA. | Tiled facade of a mosque (17thC) from Punjab, Pakistan at Five Continents Museum. Munich, Germany. |
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Jadeite double box (1700-1800) from Northern India or Pakistan at Asian Art Museum. San Francisco, CA. | Jadeite & gold mirror back (1800-1900) from Northern India or Pakistan at Asian Art Museum. San Francisco, CA. | Gold overlaid iron helmet with chain mail neckguard (1820-40) from Pakistan at Asian Art Museum. San Francisco, CA. | Muslim metal finial in shape of hand with calligraphy (early 20thC) from Karachi, Pakistan at Five Continents Museum. Munich, Germany. |
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Ancestral figures of the Kalascha (1st half 20thC) from Pakistan at Five Continents Museum. Munich, Germany. | Ancestral figure of the Kalascha (1st half 20thC) from Pakistan at Five Continents Museum. Munich, Germany. |