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Earthenware posset pot with Chinese figures (c1650-1700) from England at Yale University Art Gallery. New Haven, CT. | Ceramic posset pot (late 17th- early 18thC) at Culloden Moor Visitor Centre. Culloden Moor, Scotland. | Slipware posset pot with tulips inscribed "The best is not too good for you // Robbort Wood" (1670-75) over honey pot (1680-1700) both made in North Straffordshire at Potteries Museum & Art Gallery. Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent, England. | Tin-glazed earthenware posset pot in Chinese style (1670) from Southwark, London at British Museum. London, United Kingdom. |
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Silver posset pot (aka spout cup) (c1680-1700) by Jeremiah Drummer of Boston at Museum of Fine Arts. Boston, MA. | Covered posset pot with Chinese figures on English delftware (c1680-90) from Lambeth at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. | Slipware posset pot & bowl (c1680-1700) made in North Straffordshire at Potteries Museum & Art Gallery. Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent, England. | Slipware posset pot (c1680-1700) prob. Staffordshire at National Museum of Wales. Cardiff, Wales. |
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Silver posset cup (1682-3) from London at Montreal Museum of Fine Arts. Montreal, QC. | Lead-glazed earthenware posset pot with two spouts (1682) prob made in Barnstaple, North Devon perhaps as betrothal gift at British Museum. London, United Kingdom. | Posset pot with Chinese figures on English delftware (1687) from Bristol or Brislington at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. | Tin-glazed earthenware posset pot (c1690) for milk curdled with wine at DAR Memorial Continental Hall Museum. Washington, DC. |
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Tin-glazed earthenware posset pot (c1690) from Bristol, England at Museum of Fine Arts. Boston, MA. | English glass posset cups (c1690-1750) at Corning Museum of Glass. Corning, NY. | Glazed earthenware posset pot (1692) inscribed George Taylor from Straffordshire at Potteries Museum & Art Gallery. Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent, England. | Slipware posset pot with tulips inscribed "The best is not too good for you" + initial RF & IB (1696) made in North Straffordshire at Potteries Museum & Art Gallery. Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent, England. |
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Slip decorated posset pot or jug (1697) by Henry Ifield of Wrotham, Kent at Potteries Museum & Art Gallery. Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent, England. | Tin-glazed earthenware posset pot (1700-25) from Lambeth, England at Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. | Posset pot with Chinese figures on English delftware (1700-20) prob. London at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. | Covered posset pot with red, blue & green flowers on English delftware (1700-20) from Bristol or London at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. |
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Tin-glazed earthenware posset pot (1702) prob. from London at Walker Art Gallery. Liverpool, England. | Tin-glazed earthenware posset pot (1705-10) from England at Concord Museum. Concord, MA. | Tin-glazed earthenware posset pot (1710-40) probably from Bristol, England at Bayou Bend. Houston, TX. | Tin-glazed earthenware double-covered posset pot (c1720) from London, England at Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. |
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Slip decorated posset pot with scratched design (1723) by potter with initials IG made in North Straffordshire at Potteries Museum & Art Gallery. Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent, England. | Tin-glazed earthenware posset pot painted in oriental style (1730-40). made in Bristol or Brislington at Potteries Museum & Art Gallery. Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent, England. | White posset pot (18thC) for mix of curdled milk & wine beside ewer painted with peacock (18thC) both from England at Buttolph-Williams House. Wethersfield, CT. | Tin-glazed earthenware posset pot painted in oriental style (mid 18thC) prob. made in Bristol at Potteries Museum & Art Gallery. Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent, England. |
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Redware posset pot (1830) to sip liquid below soggy bread upper posset layer at Shelburne Museum. Shelburne, VT. | Ceramic posset pot at Joshua Hempstead House. New London, CT. | Clear glass Lismullen posset bowl which belonged to King William III who left it with John Dillon of Lismullen after Battle of the Boyne at National Museum Decorative Arts & History. Dublin, Ireland. | Covered posset pot with Chinese figures on English delftware (c early 1700s) at Gardiner Museum. Toronto, ON. |
Tin-glazed earthenware posset pot in Georgian room at Gladstone's Land tenement house. Edinburgh, Scotland. |