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Turkish terracotta plate with flowers (1500-99 CE) from Iznik at Memorial Art Gallery. Rochester, NY. | Stonepaste painted plate (c1510) from Iznik, Turkey at Smithsonian Freer Gallery of Art. Washington, DC. | Blue hexagonal ceramic tiles (c1540) from Iznik, Turkey at Harvard Art Museums. Cambridge, MA. | Ceramic plates (16thC) from Iznik, Turkey except lower left from Marseille at Museum of European and Mediterranean Civilisations. Marseille, France. |
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Ceramic pitcher with sailing ships (late 16thC) from Iznik, Turkey at Pergamon Museum. Berlin, Germany. | Fritware jug (1550-75) from Iznik, Turkey at Aga Khan Museum. Toronto, ON. | Fritware jug (1550-75) from Iznik, Turkey at Aga Khan Museum. Toronto, ON. | Fritware ewer (1560-70) from Iznik, Turkey at Aga Khan Museum. Toronto, ON. |
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Ceramic plate (3rd quarter 16thC) from Iznik, Turkey at Coburg Castle. Coburg, Germany. | Ceramic plate (end 16thC) from Iznik, Turkey at Petit Palace Museum. Paris, France. | Fritware dish painted with flowers (1550-75) from Iznik, Turkey at Aga Khan Museum. Toronto, ON. | Fritware dish painted with flowers (2nd half 16thC) from Iznik, Turkey at Aga Khan Museum. Toronto, ON. |
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Earthenware dish with floral design (16th-17thC) from Iznik, Turkey at San Antonio Museum of Art. San Antonio, TX. | Fritware dish painted with flowers (1560-70) from Iznik, Turkey at Aga Khan Museum. Toronto, ON. | Ceramic plate painted with flowers (17thC) from Iznik, Turkey at Five Continents Museum. Munich, Germany. | Ceramic hanging ornament (c1575-85) from Iznik, Turkey at Brooklyn Museum. Brooklyn, NY. |
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Floral cup & cover (c1585) from Iznik at Sèvres National Ceramic Museum. Paris, France. | Fritware wall tiles (1560-70) from Iznik, Turkey at Aga Khan Museum. Toronto, ON. | Stonepaste painted tile (c1575) from Iznik, Turkey at Smithsonian Freer Gallery of Art. Washington, DC. | Fritware wall tiles (1580-90) from Iznik, Turkey at Aga Khan Museum. Toronto, ON. |
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Phoenix plate (c1585-90) from Iznik at Sèvres National Ceramic Museum. Paris, France. | Stonepaste painted tankard (c1575-85) from Iznik, Turkey at Smithsonian Freer Gallery of Art. Washington, DC. | Ceramic mug painted with flowers (17thC) from Iznik, Turkey at Five Continents Museum. Munich, Germany. | Lion plate (early 17thC) from Iznik at Sèvres National Ceramic Museum. Paris, France. |
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Fritware dish painted with flowers (17thC) from Iznik, Turkey at Aga Khan Museum. Toronto, ON. | Fritware dish painted with lion & flowers (17thC) from Iznik, Turkey at Aga Khan Museum. Toronto, ON. | Fritware dish painted with oriental garden (17thC) from Iznik, Turkey at Aga Khan Museum. Toronto, ON. | Dish with vines & grapes (17thC) Iznik, Turkey at Huntington Museum of Art. Huntington, WV. |
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Fritware wall tile depicting mosque of Mecca (17thC) from Iznik, Turkey at Aga Khan Museum. Toronto, ON. | Collection of plates from Iznik, Turkey at Sèvres National Ceramic Museum. Paris, France. | Collection of plates from Iznik, Turkey at Sèvres National Ceramic Museum. Paris, France. | Collection of plates from Iznik, Turkey at Sèvres National Ceramic Museum. Paris, France. |