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Scribe writes with quill pen at Colonial Spanish Quarter Museum. St Augustine, FL. | Tools for pen & ink making & writing in house of scribe at Colonial Spanish Quarter Museum. St Augustine, FL. | Desk (1750-75) from New England with English or Dutch Punchbowl, coin scales, snuff box, snuffers & ink well in Mid 18th C room at Concord Museum. Concord, MA. | Silver replica of Independence Hall inkstand (c1930) by Gebelein Silversmiths Inc. of Boston, MA at Yale University Art Gallery. New Haven, CT. |
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Inkwell used by Abraham Lincoln in Ford's Theatre museum. Washington, DC. | Crystal & silver inkwell used by Abraham Lincoln during his presidency at National Museum of American History. Washington, DC. | Desk & inkwell from Abraham Lincoln's rail car at Union Pacific Railroad Museum. Council Bluffs, IA. | Bird paperweight from desk of Abraham Lincoln in Ford's Theatre museum. Washington, DC. |
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Onyx & brass pen stand believed used by President Chester Alan Arthur at National Museum of American History. Washington, DC. | Benjamin Harrison's ink well at Benjamin Harrison Presidential Site. Indianapolis, IN. | Inkstand & pen used by William McKinley to sign Declaration of War with Spain (April 25, 1898) (at Hayes Presidential Center). Fremont, OH. | Lucretia Garfield's writing case at Garfield NHS. Mentor, OH. |
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Hippo foot inkwell & elephant sculpture in Gun Room at Roosevelt's House Sagamore Hill NHS. Cove Neck, NY. | Desk in North Room with elephant foot waste basket & rhino foot inkwell at Roosevelt's House Sagamore Hill NHS. Cove Neck, NY. | Inkwell used by Nathaniel Hawthorne while Surveyor of Salem Custom House. Salem, MA. | Louisa May Alcott's inkwell in her bedroom at Orchard House. Concord, MA. |
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Oil lamp with shade plus writing implements on desk at Spanish Governor's Palace. San Antonio, TX. | Captain's quarters objects including chest, inkwell, telescope & Windsor chair at Whaling Museum. Cold Spring Harbor, NY. | Inkwells at Whaling Museum. Cold Spring Harbor, NY. | Baetge Inkwell in form of Satan and used by Carl Baetge in Baetge House at Conservation Plaza. New Braunfels, TX. |
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Pen & ink desk set with hunting scene at Chambers House Museum. Beaumont, TX. | Desktop with mementos of Charles Gibson at Gibson House Museum. Boston, MA. | Lamp, table clock, inkwell in Stone Library at Peacefield. Quincy, MA. | Desk set in king's bedroom at Glamis Castle. Angus, Scotland. |
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Vintage desk items including Telegraph Forms & blotter in Small Library at Hopetoun House. Queensferry, Scotland. | Desk set with embossing stamp in Library at Culzean Castle. Maybole, Scotland. | Letter casket (1808-10) used by Louis Napoleon, King of Holland in his palace at Rijksmuseum. Amsterdam, NL. | Inkwell recovered from USS Maine after explosion in Havana Bay. Annapolis, MD. |
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Pan-American Airways commemorative fountain pen desk set (1928) at President Calvin Coolidge State Historic Park. Plymouth Notch, VT. | Silver feather pen holder (c1885) at Sedgwick County Historical Museum. Wichita, KS. | Copper & silver inkwell (1901) by Gorham Manuf. Co. of Providence, RI at Carnegie Museum of Art. Pittsburgh, PA. | Green glass & brass desk set at Gillette Castle State Park. East Haddam, CT. |
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Roycroft desk set (c1920) at Roycroft Campus Powerhouse. East Aurora, NY. | Inkwell (early 1800s) (lent: Mayborn Museum) & glass candlesticks (c1833) (lent: U/TX Austin) at Bullock Texas State History Museum. Austin, TX. | Ink bottle collection at Miramont Castle. Manitou Springs, CO. | Ink bottles & pipes recovered from USS Cairo. Vicksburg, MS. |
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Collection of Civil War era ink bottles (c1860s) at Old Court House Museum. Vicksburg, MS. | Antique glass ink-well bottles at Nevada State Museum. Carson City, NV. | Ink bottles in White Oak School at Pioneer Museum. Fredericksburg, TX. | Ink wells in Grant's Drug Store at Mark Twain Boyhood Home & Museum. Hannibal, MO. |
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Ink well set carved from anthracite coal (aka jet) at Cleveland Museum of Natural History. Cleveland, OH. | Bear earthenware inkstand (c1750-70) by Hannoversch-Münden Manuf. at Museum of Fine Arts. Boston, MA. | Silver replica of inkstand used by signers of Declaration of Independence presented to Kennedy in 1962 by the White House press corp in JFK Library. Boston, MA. | Ink stand of Amos Bronson Alcott at Orchard House. Concord, MA. |
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Longfellow's study table with favorite books plus Samuel Taylor Coleridge's inkstand used to write "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner" at Longfellow National Historic Site. Cambridge, MA. | Ink bottle by Larkin Soap Manuf. Co. of Buffalo, NY at Roycroft Campus Powerhouse. East Aurora, NY. | Inkstand made for Frederick William IV, King of Prussia (c1850) in Berlin (shown at 1851 London World's Fair) at German Historical Museum. Berlin, Germany. | Greek bronze inkwell with handle in shape of Dionysus (2nd half 1stC BCE) from grave at Meroë, Sudan Nile at Antikensammlungen. Munich, Germany. |
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Bronze desk set of King Max I Joseph with sculpted female figure pouring liquid into inkwell between two blotting sand containers (c1810) prob. from Paris at Bavarian National Museum. Munich, Germany. | Faience inkstand (c1730) from Nuremberg at Germanisches Nationalmuseum. Nuremberg, Germany. | Inkwell set at Maxim's Art Nouveau Collection 1900. Paris, France. | Silver inkwell set at Bishop's Palace. Waterford, Ireland. |
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Telephone (1890s) by National Telephone Company Ltd. of New York beside ceramic inkwell at Fyvie Castle. Turriff, Scotland. | Gilded inkwell in library at Fyvie Castle. Turriff, Scotland. | George, 4th Earl of Aberdeen portrait over side table with inkwell in upstairs hall at Haddo House. Methlick, Scotland. | Inkwell with bottles in bedroom at Haddo House. Methlick, Scotland. |
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Ceramic sexfoil cup (14thC) & ink pot (15thC) at Arbroath Abbey. Arbroath, Scotland. | Silver inkwell bought (c1730) by Lord Chief Justice Mansfield with his first earnings as barrister at Scone Palace. Perth, Scotland. | Sir Walter Scott's inkstand at Writers' Museum. Edinburgh, Scotland. | Inkwell in main bedroom at Lauriston Castle. Edinburgh, Scotland. |
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Stoneware inkstand 1773 by William Crolius of New York City at Metropolitan Museum of Art. New York, NY. | Silver writing stands by (lt) George Fenwick (1813-4) & (rt) Robert Gordon (1742-3) both of Edinburgh comprising inkwells, sand shakers, pen holders & trays at National Museum of Scotland. Edinburgh, Scotland. | Silver writing set with inkwell, sand shaker & sealing wax lamp in dining room at Georgian House museum. Edinburgh, Scotland. | Roller copying press (c1780) by James Watt & Co. to copy letters written in special ink at National Museum of Scotland. Edinburgh, Scotland. |
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Memorial Hall (Centennial) glass inkwell (1876) by Whitall Tatum Co. of Millville, NJ at Museum of American Glass. Milville, NJ. | Memorial Hall (Centennial) glass inkwell mold (1876) by Whitall Tatum Co. of Millville, NJ at Museum of American Glass. Milville, NJ. | Memorial Hall (Centennial) glass inkwell (1876) by Gillinder & Sons of Philadelphia, PA at Museum of American Glass. Milville, NJ. |