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Covered Albarello on foot (c1534-41) probably from Tyrol, Austria at Corning Museum of Glass. Corning, NY. | Venetian latticino glass covered goblets (1575-1650) at Corning Museum of Glass. Corning, NY. | Glass cup pokal (1590-1600) from Tirol painted in Nuremberg at Germanisches Nationalmuseum. Nuremberg, Germany. | Engraved glass standing cup & cover (3rd quarter 16thC) from Innsbruck or Hall/Tirol at Coburg Castle. Coburg, Germany. |
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Glass goblets in Venetian style (c1600) from Netherlands? at Coburg Castle. Coburg, Germany. | German engraved glass goblets from Nuremburg (1680-1700) at Corning Museum of Glass. Corning, NY. | German glass engraved covered goblets (Pokals) with colored elements (1690-1750) at Corning Museum of Glass. Corning, NY. | Bohemian ground-glass covered beaker (c1690) at Metropolitan Museum of Art. New York, NY. |
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Glass covered goblets (Pokals) engraved with merchant ships (2nd half 17thC) from Frankfurt? at Coburg Castle. Coburg, Germany. | German glass (17thC) at Louvre Museum. Paris, France. | German glass covered goblets (Pokals) from Thuringia (1700-20) by Heinrich Jäger & from Nuremberg (c1720) by Georg Friedrich Killinger at Corning Museum of Glass. Corning, NY. | German glass engraved goblets (1700-50) at Corning Museum of Glass. Corning, NY. |
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German glass engraved covered goblets (Pokals) with colored tops & stems (1710-1750) from Bohemia & Silesia at Corning Museum of Glass. Corning, NY. | Glass covered pokal with engraved love symbols & inscription (c1720) from Bohemia at Coburg Castle. Coburg, Germany. | Collection of Silesian & German goblets & Pokals (1720-40) at Corning Museum of Glass. Corning, NY. | Wheel engraved glass covered pokal cups with coats of arms (c1730) from Thüringen prob. Georg Ernst Kunckel at Germanisches Nationalmuseum. Nuremberg, Germany. |
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Bohemian covered goblet of cut glass with gold (1730-40) at Toledo Glass Pavilion. Toledo, OH. | Glass covered goblet (pokol) (c1785-95) by John Frederick Amelung of New Bremen Glassmanufactory of Maryland at Museum of Fine Arts. Boston, MA. | Goblets (18thC) for display incised with coats-of-arms, town scenes or monuments at Hamburg History Museum. Hamburg, Germany. | German glass engraved covered goblet (Pokal) with ormolu, turquoise & amethyst (c1820) probably by Karl Friedrich Schinkel of Werner & Mieth Workshop at Corning Museum of Glass. Corning, NY. |
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Glass covered pokal with engraved colored stained roundels (1830-40) from Bohemia at Coburg Castle. Coburg, Germany. | Bohemian covered goblet (1845-65) of US capitol in Washington at Corning Museum of Glass. Corning, NY. | Bohemian goblets engraved with U.S. Capitol in Washington (1856) & battle of Monitor & Merrimac (1863) at Corning Museum of Glass. Corning, NY. | "Birthday Club" lidded glass goblet partly covered in red (1860) & Cup partially covered in blue. In the image field you can see the cut view of the Michaeliskirche with the signature, St Michaeliskirche at Hamburg History Museum. Hamburg, Germany. |
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Venetian glass (l-r) covered goblet supported on ring of glass flowers (1864), Pokal with medallions depicting the Four Seasons (c1881), & 2 small covered goblets (c1875 & 8) at Corning Museum of Glass. Corning, NY. | Covered glass pokal in form of hunting horn (c1875) by Fritz Heckert of Poland at Coburg Castle. Coburg, Germany. | English candelabrum (c1883) by F&C Osler of Birmingham flanked by pair of Bohemian goblets (2nd half 19thC) at Corning Museum of Glass. Corning, NY. | Bohemian goblets (mid 19thC) engraved with U.S. Capitol in Washington & Second U.S. Bank in Philadelphia at Corning Museum of Glass. Corning, NY. |
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Collection of Bohemian glass vessels (pokals) with hunting images made by cutting away outer layer of colored glass at German Hunting & Fishing Museum. Munich, Germany. | Crystal goblets in the Rosenborg Slot (Castle) treasury, Kobenhavn. Denmark. | Pair of engraved glass covered goblets (Pokals) at Coburg Castle. Coburg, Germany. | Pair of blue glass covered goblets (Pokals) at Coburg Castle. Coburg, Germany. |
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Pair of blue glass covered goblets (Pokals) at Coburg Castle. Coburg, Germany. | Collection of engraved German pokals at Germanisches Nationalmuseum. Nuremberg, Germany. | Collection of German glass at Tucher Mansion Museum. Nuremberg, Germany. | Collection of Northern Europe goblets at Corning Museum of Glass. Corning, NY. |
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Collection of engraved Northern Europe goblets at Corning Museum of Glass. Corning, NY. | Display of German glass drinking vessels (18th & 19thC) at Lindau Municipal Museum. Lindau im Bodensee, Germany. |