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Glass beakers (l) with prunts for firm grip from southern Germany (c1300) & (r) with enameled decoration from Venice (14thC) at Germanisches Nationalmuseum. Nuremberg, Germany. | Bohemian or German glass beaker with St Christopher (1659) & covered tankard with Baptism of Christ (c1600-25) at Corning Museum of Glass. Corning, NY. | Central German beakers on ball feet (1675 & 87) with engravings of Brandenburg & Bavarian electors at Corning Museum of Glass. Corning, NY. | Glass covered beaker on ball feet engraved with scene of Nuremberg (c1680) from Hessen? at Germanisches Nationalmuseum. Nuremberg, Germany. |
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Central German beaker on ball feet (1685) with engraving of Holy Roman emperor at Corning Museum of Glass. Corning, NY. | Glass beaker enameled with elector on horseback (c1684) at Germanisches Nationalmuseum. Nuremberg, Germany. | Glass mug with enameled bride & groom (1690), beaker engraved with coat of arms c1680 & imperial eagle humpen (1619) at Schleswig Holstein State Museum. Schleswig, Germany. | Glass electors beaker (end 17thC) from Franconia or Thuringia at Coburg Castle. Coburg, Germany. |
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Glass beaker with Saxon coat of arms (end 17thC) from Nuremberg at Coburg Castle. Coburg, Germany. | Collection of German glass at Tucher Mansion Museum. Nuremberg, Germany. | German glass beakers (17thC) at Corning Museum of Glass. Corning, NY. | Glass beaker with bronze profile of Roman emperor (1707) from Saxony at Coburg Castle. Coburg, Germany. |
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Painted glass with portrait of King Charles XII of Sweden (1714) from Germany at German Historical Museum. Berlin, Germany. | French glass enamelled goblet with inscriptions (1722) at Museum of Decorative Arts. Paris, France. | Bohemian cut glass beaker etched with bear hunt scene (1730-50) at LACMA. Los Angeles, CA. | Bohemian glass armorial beaker (c1748) at Corning Museum of Glass. Corning, NY. |
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Bohemian Zwischengoldglas Armorial Beaker of abbot of a Bohemia monastery (c1748) at Corning Museum of Glass. Corning, NY. | Glass beaker (2nd half 18thC) from Venice at Coburg Castle. Coburg, Germany. | Glass vessels from Bohemia (18thC) at Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya. Barcelona, Spain. | Milk glass cups (18th & 19thC) made in Germany at Lindau Municipal Museum. Lindau im Bodensee, Germany. |
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German or Bohemian engraved & gilded drinking glasses (18thC) at Chrysler Museum of Art. Norfolk, VA. | Bohemian cut glass beaker etched with country scenes (1800-25) at LACMA. Los Angeles, CA. | Russian wineglasses with portraits of General Wittgenstein (1814 & 1810-20) prob. by Nikol'skoye of Bakhmetiev Crystal Works at Corning Museum of Glass. Corning, NY. | Russian double-walled beakers (1814 & 1800-20) one showing balloon flight by Nikol'skoye of Bakhmetiev Crystal Works at Corning Museum of Glass. Corning, NY. |
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Russian double-walled beaker (1814) showing balloon flight by Bakhmetiev Crystal Works at Corning Museum of Glass. Corning, NY. | Glass beaker engraved with portrait of General Field Marshall Gebhard Leberecht von Blücher hero of Waterloo (1816) from northern Bohemia at Coburg Castle. Coburg, Germany. | Glass beaker engraved with portrait of King Friedrich August I of Saxony (c1818) from Bohemia at Coburg Castle. Coburg, Germany. | Decorated glass beakers (c1815-33) from workshop of Anton Kothgasser at Historical Museum of City of Vienna. Vienna, Austria. |
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Decorated glass beakers (c1815-33) from workshop of Anton Kothgasser at Historical Museum of City of Vienna. Vienna, Austria. | Black Hyalith glass beaker (c1818-25) & Agatine glass plate (c1830-40) both probably by glassworks of count of Buquoy of Southern Bohemia at Corning Museum of Glass. Corning, NY. | Glass beakers with goldfish & four-leaf clover (c1820) from workshop of Anton Kothgasser at Historical Museum of City of Vienna. Vienna, Austria. | Austrian glass footed beaker (1820) probably by Anton Kothgasser at Corning Museum of Glass. Corning, NY. |
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Austrian glass beakers (Ranftbecher) with transparent enameled village scenes (1820-30) by workshop of Anton Kothgasser at Corning Museum of Glass. Corning, NY. | Stained & enameled glass beakers from Vienna (1825) & Bohemia (1830-40) at Royal Ontario Museum. Toronto, ON. | Austrian glass beaker (Ranftbecher) with egrets (c1820) possibly by Georg Lamprecht of Vienna at Corning Museum of Glass. Corning, NY. | Austrian glass beakers (Ranftbecher) with transparent enameled scenes (1820-28) by workshop of Anton Kothgasser at Corning Museum of Glass. Corning, NY. |
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Bohemian glass Lithyalin beaker (1830-40) by Friedrich Egermann of Haida & Hyalith beaker (1825-40) at by glassworks of count of Buquoy at Corning Museum of Glass. Corning, NY. | Bohemian Opaque Hyalith glass beaker with love allegories plus cup & saucer (c1835-50) possibly by Anton Ambrosius Egermann of Haida at Corning Museum of Glass. Corning, NY. | Drinking glass with portrait of King Max I Joseph (c1826-30) prob. Harrachsdorf- Neuwelt in Bohemia at Bavarian National Museum. Munich, Germany. | Bohemian glass beaker (c1830) by Dominik Biemann of Franzensbad at Corning Museum of Glass. Corning, NY. |
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Glass beaker with portrait of King Ludwigs I (c1840) prob. Baccarat at Bavarian National Museum. Munich, Germany. | Bohemian stained & cut beaker (1830-40) at Royal Ontario Museum. Toronto, ON. | Bohemian Biedermeier glass overlay beaker with portrait sulphide (1841-51), beaker with Chinoiserie (c1835-40) & beaker probably by Neuwelt glassworks (1830-50) at Corning Museum of Glass. Corning, NY. | Moorish-style glasses (1870s-1929) from Vienna & Paris at Corning Museum of Glass. Corning, NY. |
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Bohemian & Austrian glass beakers & goblet (1875-1900) at Corning Museum of Glass. Corning, NY. | Glass beakers with engravings into colored layers (mid 19thC) at Hamburg History Museum. Hamburg, Germany. | Drinking glasses with images of Ulm (19thC) at Ulmer Museum. Ulm, Germany. | Collection of glass goblets & steins (19thC) where outer colored layer is cut away to form silhouette decorative souvenir pictures of northern Germany at Schleswig Holstein State Museum. Schleswig, Germany. |
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Two-colored goblet where outer violet color is cut away & etched to show local views around Teplitz (mid 19thC) from northern Bohemia at Coburg Castle. Coburg, Germany. | Glass footed beaker (1916) by Dagobert Peche & made for Wiener Werkstätte at Historical Museum of City of Vienna. Vienna, Austria. | Drinking glasses with etched gold rims (1989) by Glashütte Valentin Eisch KG, of Frauenau at Deutsches Museum. Munich, Germany. | Bohemian cut glass colored beakers at Czech Cultural Center. Houston, TX. |
Bohemian cut crystal beaker at Czech Cultural Center. Houston, TX. |