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Oval lacquer folding table with oriental scene (c1700) from Holland at Schleswig Holstein State Museum. Schleswig, Germany. | Tilt top table (c1720) with scenes of bursting of "Mississippi Bubble" at Cabildo Museum. New Orleans, LA. | Chinese lacquered tilt top table (c1770) in California period parlor at DAR Memorial Continental Hall. Washington, DC. | Tilt-top table & Chinese cabinet in bedroom at Brodie Castle. Brodie, Scotland. |
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Upstairs east chamber with cradle, fold-down hutch table & rope bed at Henry Whitfield State Museum. Guilford, CT. | Tall clock, tilt table & desk at Noah Webster House. West Hartford, CT. | Tilt table (18thC) at Phelps-Hathaway House. Suffield, CT. | Tilt-top tripod tea table with sliding mechanism (1714-78) attrib. to Jedediah Dewey of Bennington, VT at Bennington Museum. Bennington, VT. |
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Secretary desk with chairs, tilt table & portraits at Thankful Arnold House. Haddam, CT. | Tilt-top table (1760-70) from Newport, RI & several New England chairs (18thC) at Yale University Art Gallery. New Haven, CT. | High chest of drawers (c1760-70) from Philadelphia plus early looking glasses, chairs & tilt-top table from Pennsylvania at Museum of Fine Arts. Boston, MA. | Tilt-top tea table (c1770) from Salem area with English New Hall China tea set (1815) at Peabody Essex Museum. Salem, MA. |
American parlor (1770-1800) with tilt-top table from England (1770-0) & corner cupboard (1800-10) from Pennsylvania at DAR Memorial Continental Hall. Washington, DC. |