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Sideboard with pewter plates at Buttolph-Williams House. Wethersfield, CT. | Carved chair & sideboard at Plimouth Plantation. Plymouth, MA. | Flemish ebony & fruitwood sideboard (17thC) at Chepstow. Newport, RI. | Sideboard cabinet in Staiti House at Sam Houston Park. Houston, TX. |
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Dining room sideboard at Capt. Charles Schreiner Mansion. Kerrville, TX. | Dining room sideboard with oil lamp at Capt. Charles Schreiner Mansion. Kerrville, TX. | 17th C style sideboard (Berkey & Gay Furniture Co. Grand Rapids MI) in breakfast room at McFaddin-Ward House. Beaumont, TX. | Sideboard with Argand lamps at McCulloch House. Waco, TX. |
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Sideboard with silver hot water urn plus coffee & tea service at McCulloch House. Waco, TX. | Sideboard with silver in dining room at Glamis Castle. Angus, Scotland. | Renaissance sideboard & pewter at Glamis Castle. Angus, Scotland. | Entrance parlor sideboard with pewter & porcelain collection at Broughton House. Kirkcudbright, Scotland. |
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Sideboard with pewter, wood & redware at Gladstone's Land tenement house. Edinburgh, Scotland. | Intricately carved sideboard in dining room at Newhailes. Musselburgh, Scotland. | Carvings on sideboard cabinet in High Hall at Culross Palace. Culross, Scotland. | Scottish sideboard (17thC) at Provand's Lordship. Glasgow, Scotland. |
Sideboard & table inside governor's house in Fort James at Jamestown Settlement. Jamestown, VA. |