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Entrance hall choir stalls from Naples at Anderson House Museum. Washington, DC. | Inlaid wooden choir stalls (c1500) from Pavia at Bode Museum. Berlin, Germany. | Tapestries over Medieval choir stools at Cluny Museum. Paris, France. | Tapestries & choir stalls in abbey chapel (15thC) at Cluny Museum. Paris, France. |
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Fantastical carvings on choir stalls at Angers Chateau. Angers, France. | Carved choir stalls (1528) in Chapel at Chateau D'Ussé. Ussé, France. | Carved choir stalls (1528) in Chapel at Chateau D'Ussé. Ussé, France. | Carved choir stalls (1528) in Chapel at Chateau D'Ussé. Ussé, France. |
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Carved praying pilgrim detail on choir stall (1528) in Chapel at Chateau D'Ussé. Ussé, France. | Carved monk with barrel detail on choir stall (1528) in Chapel at Chateau D'Ussé. Ussé, France. | Carved figure of Moses detail on choir stall (1528) in Chapel at Chateau D'Ussé. Ussé, France. | Carvings on choir chairs of abbey church of Saint-Étienne. Caen, France. |
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Choir stalls at St Patrick's Cathedral. Dublin, Ireland. | Medieval choir stalls (1500s) at Dunblane Cathedral. Dunblane, Scotland. | Carved bat on Medieval choir stall (1500s) at Dunblane Cathedral. Dunblane, Scotland. | Carved thistle on Medieval choir stall (1500s) at Dunblane Cathedral. Dunblane, Scotland. |
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Late 19th C recreation of choir stalls at Dunblane Cathedral. Dunblane, Scotland. | Carved choir stall dividers (c1340-50) from church in Berchtesgaden, Bavaria at Bavarian National Museum. Munich, Germany. |