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Ornate bishop's chair (late 15th, early 16thC) in Drummers' Room, Royal Lodge at Chateau Royal of Amboise. Amboise, France. | Renaissance high-backed chair (1st quarter 16thC) carved with unicorns & heron swallowing eel in Catherine de Medici bedroom at Chaumont-Sur-Loire. France. | Walnut armchair (caquetoire) (c1550) from France at Legion of Honor Museum. San Francisco, CA. | Nursing chair said to have belonged to Annabella Drummond, Countess of Mar who cared for infant King James VI of Scotland (c1566) at National Museum of Scotland. Edinburgh, Scotland. |
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Bailiff's Room (1580s) with writing desk on table & great chair (1600s) at Castle Fraser. Aberdeenshire, Scotland. | Great chair (1619) beside round tiered table displaying silver & glass items in dining room at Kellie Castle. Pittenweem, Scotland. | Edward Winslow family upholstered chair (c1620-50) from England at Pilgrim Hall Museum. Plymouth, MA. | Scottish oak great chair (1629) carved with crest of star & chicken at Provand's Lordship. Glasgow, Scotland. |
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Great chair (c1635-85) from Hingham, MA at Museum of Fine Arts. Boston, MA. | Aberdeenshire Burgher's oak marriage chair (1635) at Provand's Lordship. Glasgow, Scotland. | White oak Great Chair (1640-85) from Essex County?, MA at Bayou Bend. Houston, TX. | Scottish carved oak great chair (1646) with GB initials at Provand's Lordship. Glasgow, Scotland. |
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Wainscot oak chair (1650-1700) from Massachusetts at Brooklyn Museum. Brooklyn, NY. | Panel back armchair (c1675-1725) from Quebec City area at Royal Ontario Museum. Toronto, ON. | Oak armchair with coat of arms (1652) & cradle (17thC) from Linlithgow Palace both Scottish made at National Museum of Scotland. Edinburgh, Scotland. | Oak armchair with coat of arms of Sir William Douglas of Glenbervie (1665) Scottish made at National Museum of Scotland. Edinburgh, Scotland. |
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Turned chair (c1650) from Branford or Wethersfield, CT & oak chair (1660) prob. from Hartford owned by Governor John Winthrop, Jr. at Connecticut Historical Society. Hartford, CT. | Oak great chair (1670-90) by Thomas Dennis of Ipswich, MA, at Peabody Essex Museum. Salem, MA. | Scottish carved oak great chair (1675) at Provand's Lordship. Glasgow, Scotland. | Scottish oak great chair (1688) carved IR EM at Provand's Lordship. Glasgow, Scotland. |
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Display of blades over great armchair (1692) in Armory at Culzean Castle. Maybole, Scotland. | Oak great chair (17thC) at Henry Whitfield State Museum. Guilford, CT. | Gateleg table & carved chairs (17thC) in painted chamber at Gladstone's Land tenement house. Edinburgh, Scotland. | Collection of Scottish oak chairs (17thC) at Provand's Lordship. Glasgow, Scotland. |
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Scottish oak great chair (17thC) before fireplace with iron grate at Provand's Lordship. Glasgow, Scotland. | Collection of Scottish oak chairs (17thC) at Provand's Lordship. Glasgow, Scotland. | Death of Leonardo da Vinci painting (1781) by François-Guillaume Ménageot over Henri II style table & Renaissance chairs in King's bedchamber in Royal Lodge at Chateau Royal of Amboise. Amboise, France. | Walnut gossip chair (19thC) from France in Queen's chamber at Blois Chateau. Blois, France. |
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Great chair, which would have been reserved for master of house, with linen fold carving on back at Cartier Manor House Museum. St Malo, France. | Carved high back armchair which would have been reserved for use by Master of house in Common Room at Jacques Cartier Manor House Museum. St Malo, France. | Wooden chairs with richly decorated high backs in Council Chamber in Royal Lodge at Chateau Royal of Amboise. Amboise, France. | Ornately carved throne chair with crest of France in Great Hall at Château de Clos Lucé. Amboise, France. |
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Great chair with carved back in keep at Cahir Castle. Cahir, Ireland. | Chest & great chairs in banqueting hall at Cahir Castle. Cahir, Ireland. | Great chair at the high table in Great Hall at Bunratty Castle. County Clare, Ireland. | Ceremonial carved wooden chair in Main Guard at Bunratty Castle. County Clare, Ireland. |
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Great chair with carved back at John Balch Museum House. Beverly, MA. | Replica of coronation chair & stone of scone made for motion picture at Scone Palace. Perth, Scotland. | Oak armchair in birth chamber of King James VI & I in royal apartments at Edinburgh Castle. Edinburgh, Scotland. | Armchair & adjustable candle stick in kitchen at Gladstone's Land tenement house. Edinburgh, Scotland. |
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Great chair in High Hall at Culross Palace. Culross, Scotland. | Chest of drawers & great chair in Lairds room at Culross Palace. Culross, Scotland. | Great chair in Lairds room at Culross Palace. Culross, Scotland. | Scottish oak bedstead, chest & armchair at Provand's Lordship. Glasgow, Scotland. |
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Living area with fireplace & oak chair at Robert Burns Cottage. Alloway, Scotland. | Chairs of Burn's parents with Agnes's nursing chair & William's armchair (both late 18thC) at Robert Burns Birthplace Museum. Alloway, Scotland. | Royal oak chair (c1700) from palace at Dunfermline Carnegie Library Museum. Dunfermline, Scotland. | Renaissance Henry II armchair in Diane de Poitiers' bedroom at Chenonceau Chateau. Chenonceau, France. |
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Fireplace & side chair in Earl's private apartments at Bunratty Castle. County Clare, Ireland. | Straight back Ile d'Orleans chair & Petrin dough table in Old French House. Vincennes, IN. | Colonial-style chair in John Ward House of Peabody Essex Museum. Salem, MA. | Low plain chair in Queen's bedchamber at Falkland Palace. Falkland, Scotland. |
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Antique table & chairs at Rothe House. Kilkenny, Ireland. | Caned chair & chest of drawers in North building at Culross Palace. Culross, Scotland. | Walnut & cane sidechair (early 17thC) at Henry Whitfield State Museum. Guilford, CT. | Carved oak chairs with cane seats (1910-11) by G. Gerald Evans of Philadelphia in New Jersey period English Chamber at DAR Memorial Continental Hall. Washington, DC. |