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Camel & handler for tourist photos at pyramids. Giza, Egypt. | Tourists with camel at Great Pyramid. Giza, Egypt. | Camel & handler for tourist photos at pyramids. Giza, Egypt. | Camel & donkey carrying load in Giza. Egypt. |
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Profile of camel. Giza, Egypt. | Woman & camel with loads with Giza pyramids beyond. Egypt. | Camels with fodder in Giza. Egypt. | Camel with a load of sugar cane. Egypt. |
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Camel market south of Esna. Egypt. | Dromedaries (camels) east of Tinerhir. Morocco. | Camel on streets of Mandawa. Mandawa, India. | Camel with fur cut in patterns. Mandawa, India. |
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Camels the main mode of transport in Sam Sand Dunes National Park, West of Jaiselmer. India. | Boy leads a tourist riding a camel across Sam Sand Dunes. India. | Camels & men on road from Jaiselmer to Jodpur. India. | Tourist camels at Singing Sand Mountains of Dunhuang. China. |
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Portrait of a camel in Dunhuang. China. | Traveling across Singing Sand Mountains of Dunhuang by camel. China. | Tourist camel at Bezeklik Caves, Turpan. China. | Camel and riders above southern pasture area near Urumqi. China. |
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Tourist camel in Bukhara. Uzbekistan. | Dromedary at Circus World Museum. Baraboo, WI. | Pictish Droston stone front detail of lace of cross edged by compressed camel & lion at St Vigeans Museum. Arbroath, Scotland. | Pictish cross-slab (back of #1) detail of Pictish symbols of fish, snake & other beast including camel at Meigle Sculptured Stone Museum. Meigle, Scotland. |
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Camel statue outside Seattle Asian Art Museum. Seattle, WA. | Camel on carousel in Mall of America. Minneapolis, MN. | Carousel camel by Philadelphia Toboggan Co. at Merry-Go-Round Museum. Sandusky, OH. | Coney Island style carousel camel (c1895) by Charles Looff at Merry-Go-Round Museum. Sandusky, OH. |
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Wheeled toy camel in Nursery at Roosevelt's House Sagamore Hill NHS. Cove Neck, NY. | Topiary camels remember camels who used to live here as pets on lawn at Rough Point. Newport, RI. | Limestone relief of Arsu riding a camel (c2ndC CE) from Dura-Europos on Euphrates River at Yale University Art Gallery. New Haven, CT. | China: Six dynasty earthenware Bactrian camel (500-50) in Asian Art Museum. San Francisco, CA. |
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Glazed earthenware camel (c690-750) from China at Asian Art Museum. San Francisco, CA. | Tang dynasty earthenware camel (late 7thC) from China at San Antonio Museum of Art. San Antonio, TX. | Art Nouveau ceramic camel statue at McFaddin-Ward House. Beaumont, TX. | Arab on camel Palmer souvenir biscuit tin (c1913) at Manderston House. Duns, Scotland. |
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Royal Flemish vases & Colonial vase in Camel pattern (1893-95) by Mount Washington Glass Co. of New Bedford, MA at Corning Museum of Glass. Corning, NY. | Colonial vase in Camel pattern (1893-95) & Crown Milano covered ewer (1891-95) both by Mount Washington Glass Co. of New Bedford, MA at Corning Museum of Glass. Corning, NY. | Bench with camel shapes at Palm Springs tourist office. CA. | Oriental design with camel in upper hall of Stanton Hall. Natchez, MS. |
Shrine mosaic on floor near entrance of Fox Theatre. Atlanta, GA. |