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Panthers bronze sculpture (c1893) by Alexander Phimister Proctor at Corcoran Gallery of Art. Washington, DC. | Indian Warrior bronze sculpture (1897) by Alexander Phimister Proctor at Corcoran Gallery of Art. Washington, DC. | Indian Warrior bronze sculpture (1898) by Alexander Phimister Proctor at Metropolitan Museum of Art. New York, NY. | Tigers (1910) by A. Phimister Proctor before Nassau Hall. Princeton, NJ. |
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Buffalo bronze sculpture (1912) by Alexander Phimister Proctor at Metropolitan Museum of Art. New York, NY. | Indian Pursuing Buffalo bronze sculpture (1916) by Alexander Phimister Proctor at Corcoran Gallery of Art. Washington, DC. | Pioneer statue (1918) by Alexander Phimister Proctor on University of Oregon campus. Eugene, OR. | "Bucking Bronco" statue (1920) by Alexander Phimister Proctor in Civic Center Park. Denver, CO. |
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On the War Trail bronze sculpture (1921) by Alexander Phimister Proctor at Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. | "On the War Trail" statue (1922) by Alexander Phimister Proctor in Civic Center Park. Denver, CO. | Lion by A. Phinister Proctor & Neuman Evans mourns at base of William McKinley Memorial. Buffalo, NY. | Marble lion grieves at base of William McKinley Memorial. Buffalo, NY. |
Pony Express rider bronze plaque by A. Phimister Proctor on S. Main Street where Pony Express Station once stood. Salt Lake City, UT. |