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Self-portrait (1898-1906) by Frederick W. MacMonnies at Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. | Nathan Hale bronze sculpture (1890, cast 1904) by Frederick William MacMonnies at Metropolitan Museum of Art. New York, NY. | Nathan Hale bronze sculpture (1890) by Frederick MacMonnies at Memorial Art Gallery. Rochester, NY. | Bowery Savings Bank pediment carving (1894) by Frederick MacMonnies. New York, NY. |
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Bacchante & Infant Faun bronze sculpture (1894, cast 1894) by Frederick William MacMonnies at Metropolitan Museum of Art. New York, NY. | Boy & Duck bronze statue (1895) by Frederick William MacMonnies at Carnegie Museum of Art. Pittsburgh, PA. | Battle Monument (1897) with Victory by Frederick MacMonnies on West Point campus. West Point, NY. | Cupid mixed material sculpture (1898) by Frederick William MacMonnies at Metropolitan Museum of Art. New York, NY. |
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Detail of Army relief (1901) by Frederick MacMonnies on Soldiers' & Sailors' Arch in Grand Army Plaza, Brooklyn. New York, NY. | Detail of sculptures (1901) by Frederick MacMonnies on Soldiers' & Sailors' Arch in Grand Army Plaza. Brooklyn, NY. | Detail of sculptures (1901) by Frederick MacMonnies on Soldiers' & Sailors' Arch in Grand Army Plaza. Brooklyn, NY. | Union Army sculpture (1901) by Frederick MacMonnies on Soldiers' & Sailors' Arch in Grand Army Plaza. Brooklyn, NY. |
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Fallen drummer detail of Union Army sculpture (1901) by Frederick MacMonnies on Soldiers' & Sailors' Arch in Grand Army Plaza. Brooklyn, NY. | Union Navy sculpture (1901) by Frederick MacMonnies on Soldiers' & Sailors' Arch in Grand Army Plaza. Brooklyn, NY. | Black sailor detail of Union Navy sculpture (1901) by Frederick MacMonnies on Soldiers' & Sailors' Arch in Grand Army Plaza. Brooklyn, NY. | Naval officer detail of Union Navy sculpture (1901) by Frederick MacMonnies on Soldiers' & Sailors' Arch in Grand Army Plaza. Brooklyn, NY. |
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Pioneer Fountain (1911) by Frederick MacMonnies at Broadway & Colfax Avenues. Denver, CO. | Beauty sculpture (1920) by Frederick MacMonnies flanking entrance of New York Public Library. New York, NY. | Rough Rider sculpture by Frederick MacMonnies in North Room at Roosevelt's House Sagamore Hill NHS. Cove Neck, NY. | May Palmer portrait (1901-2) by Frederick MacMonnies at Bennington Museum. Bennington, VT. |