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Admiral David Glasgow Farragut Monument (1881) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens & pedestal by Stanford White in Madison Square Park. New York, NY. | Admiral David Glasgow Farragut Monument (1881) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens & pedestal by Stanford White in Madison Square Park. New York, NY. | Admiral Farragut Statue (1880) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens in Madison Square Park. New York, NY. | Replica of David Glasgow Farragut Monument (1881) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens on original base by Stanford White at Saint-Gaudens NHS. Cornish, NH. |
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Bronze replica of David Glasgow Farragut Monument (1881) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Saint-Gaudens NHS. Cornish, NH. | Original Farragut Monument base (1881) by Stanford White moved (1935) to Saint-Gaudens NHS. Cornish, NH. | James A. Garfield bronze death mask (c1881) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Garfield NHS. Mentor, OH. | Monument to Illinois' Abraham Lincoln (1887) in Lincoln Park. Chicago, IL. |
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Standing Abraham Lincoln statue (1887) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens in Lincoln Park. Chicago, IL. | Abraham Lincoln bronze sculpture (1884-7) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Yale University Art Gallery. New Haven, CT. | Abraham Lincoln: The Man bronze statue (1884-7, cast 1912) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Carnegie Museum of Art. Pittsburgh, PA. | Standing Abraham Lincoln bronze statue (1911) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Metropolitan Museum of Art. New York, NY. |
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Standing Lincoln bronze (reduction 1884-7, cast 1912) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Saint-Gaudens NHS. Cornish, NH. | Abraham Lincoln bronze bust (1887) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Smithsonian American Art Museum. Washington, DC. | Bronze bust from Standing Lincoln (1885-7, cast after 1910) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Saint-Gaudens NHS. Cornish, NH. | Seated Lincoln plaster (1897-1906) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Saint-Gaudens NHS. Cornish, NH. |
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Right hand & life mask of Abraham Lincoln bronze casts (1886) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens copied from 1860 originals by Leonard Wells Volk at Metropolitan Museum of Art. New York, NY. | Adams Memorial (1891) replica of original in Rock Creek Church Cemetery in Washington, DC by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Saint-Gaudens NHS. Cornish, NH. | Details of face on Adams Memorial (1891) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Saint-Gaudens NHS. Cornish, NH. | Bronze model for head of Adams Memorial (1890) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Saint-Gaudens NHS. Cornish, NH. |
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Bronze bust of head of Adams Memorial (1892-3) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. | Henry Adams bronze statue (1886-91) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Smithsonian American Art Museum. Washington, DC. | Diana (1892-3) half-size bronze replica of original atop tower of Madison Square Garden, New York City by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Metropolitan Museum of Art. New York, NY. | Diana (1892-4) half-size bronze replica of original atop tower of Madison Square Garden, New York City by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Saint-Gaudens NHS. Cornish, NH. |
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Reduced version of Diana of the Tower bronze sculpture on Madison Square Garden (1893) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Nichols House Museum. Boston, MA. | Bronze studies for Soldiers' Heads (c1897) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Memorial Art Gallery. Rochester, NY. | Robert Gould Shaw Memorial sculpture (1897) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens honors Civil War black 54th Regiment opposite Massachusetts State House. Boston, MA. | Detail of black Union troops on Robert Gould Shaw Memorial (1897) sculpted by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Mass. state capitol. Boston, MA. |
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Detail of commander Robert Shaw on Robert Gould Shaw Memorial (1897) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Mass. state capitol. Boston, MA. | Detail of black-American Union troops on Robert Gould Shaw Memorial (1897) sculpted by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Mass. state capitol. Boston, MA. | Shaw Memorial (1900, cast 1997) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens differs from earlier version in Boston at Saint-Gaudens NHS. Cornish, NH. | Detail of angel over Robert Gould Shaw on Shaw Memorial (1900) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Saint-Gaudens NHS. Cornish, NH. |
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Detail of Robert Gould Shaw on Shaw Memorial (1900) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Saint-Gaudens NHS. Cornish, NH. | Detail of black Union soldiers on Shaw Memorial (1900) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Saint-Gaudens NHS. Cornish, NH. | Detail of black Union soldiers on Shaw Memorial (1900) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Saint-Gaudens NHS. Cornish, NH. | Shaw Memorial model (1900) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens shown at Paris Exposition Universelle at National Gallery of Art. Washington, DC. |
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Shaw Memorial detail (1900) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at National Gallery of Art. Washington, DC. | Plaster studies for Shaw Memorial (1884-97) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Saint-Gaudens NHS. Cornish, NH. | Annie Page (model for angel on Shaw Memorial) bronze bust (1895) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Saint-Gaudens NHS. Cornish, NH. | Shaw Memorial component details (1900) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at National Gallery of Art. Washington, DC. |
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Victory figure from Robert Gould Shaw Memorial (1884-1907) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Brooklyn Museum. Brooklyn, NY. | Gallery courtyard with Amor Caritas at Saint-Gaudens NHS. Cornish, NH. | Gallery courtyard with Amor Caritas reflected in pool at Saint-Gaudens NHS. Cornish, NH. | Amor Caritas (c1886) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Saint-Gaudens NHS. Cornish, NH. |
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Amor Caritas bronze sculpture (1880-98) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Corcoran Gallery of Art. Washington, DC. | Amor Caritas (1880-98) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Metropolitan Museum of Art. New York, NY. | Amor Caritas (1898) sculpted by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Cleveland Museum of Art. Cleveland, OH. | Amor Caritas (1897) sculpted by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. |
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Amor Caritas sculpture (1898) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Brooklyn Museum. Brooklyn, NY. | The Puritan, Deacon Samuel Chapin plaster sculpture (1883-7) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens was exhibited at Paris Exposition (1900) at Saint-Gaudens NHS. Cornish, NH. | The Puritan bronze statue (1883-6, cast 1899) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Carnegie Museum of Art. Pittsburgh, PA. | The Puritan bronze sculpture (1883-1901) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Metropolitan Museum of Art. New York, NY. |
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The Puritan reduction bronze statue (c1899) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Smithsonian American Art Museum. Washington, DC. | Puritan reduction bronze sculpture (1899) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Museum of Fine Arts. Boston, MA. | Victory leads William Tecumseh Sherman on his memorial in Central Park. New York, NY. | William Tecumseh Sherman equestrian statue (1903) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens (Fifth Ave. at 59th St.). New York, NY. |
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William Tecumseh Sherman memorial in winter snow. New York, NY. | William Tecumseh Sherman equestrian statue on Southeast corner of Central Park. New York, NY. | Victory gilded bronze statue (1902, cast 1908) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens smaller version of one on Sherman Monument in New York's Central Park at Toledo Museum of Art. Toledo, OH. | Victory, gilded bronze statue (1892-1903) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Carnegie Museum of Art. Pittsburgh, PA. |
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Victory from General Sherman Monument bronze (reduction after 1912) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Saint-Gaudens NHS. Cornish, NH. | Victory from General Sherman Monument gilt bronze (reduction after 1912) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Metropolitan Museum of Art. New York, NY. | Head of Victory bronze (1897-1903) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Metropolitan Museum of Art. New York, NY. | Charles Stewart Parnell monument (1911) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens on O'Connell Street. Dublin, Ireland. |
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Sculpture of Charles Stewart Parnell, Parliamentarian imprisoned for his support of Irish home rule. Dublin, Ireland. | Inscription with Irish harp on Charles Stewart Parnell monument. Dublin, Ireland. | Augustus Saint-Gaudens' base of Charles Stewart Parnell monument with names of four original Irish provinces. Dublin, Ireland. | Phillips Brooks statue (1907-10) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Trinity Church. Boston, MA. |
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Cameos (1860s) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Saint-Gaudens NHS. Cornish, NH. | Cameo of George Washington (1860s) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Saint-Gaudens NHS. Cornish, NH. | Cameo of god Mars with dragon atop helmet (1860s) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Saint-Gaudens NHS. Cornish, NH. | William Maxwell Evarts bronze bust (1873-4) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Saint-Gaudens NHS. Cornish, NH. |
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Opera singer Eva Rohr marble bust (1872) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Metropolitan Museum of Art. New York, NY. | William Maxwell Evarts marble bust (1872) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Metropolitan Museum of Art. New York, NY. | Hiawatha marble sculpture (1874) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Metropolitan Museum of Art. New York, NY. | Margaretta Willoughby Pierrepont marble bust (1874) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Smithsonian American Art Museum. Washington, DC. |
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David Maitland Armstrong, painter, bronze portrait relief (1877) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Saint-Gaudens NHS. Cornish, NH. | Charles McKim, architect bronze relief (1878) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Metropolitan Museum of Art. New York, NY. | Charles McKim, architect bronze relief (1878) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at National Portrait Gallery. Washington, DC. | Richard Watson Gilder, Helena de Kay Gilder & Rodman Gilder plaster relief (1879) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Metropolitan Museum of Art. New York, NY. |
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Apollo with Putti panel from dining room of Cornelius Vanderbilt II mansion (1880-2) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Smithsonian American Art Museum. Washington, DC. | Detail of Apollo on panel from dining room of Cornelius Vanderbilt II mansion (1880-2) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Smithsonian American Art Museum. Washington, DC. | Detail of Putti on panel from dining room of Cornelius Vanderbilt II mansion (1880-2) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Smithsonian American Art Museum. Washington, DC. | Ceres decorative panel for home of Cornelius Vanderbilt II (1881-3) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Saint-Gaudens NHS. Cornish, NH. |
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Francis D. Miller, painter who died on Titanic, iron portrait relief (c1880) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Saint-Gaudens NHS. Cornish, NH. | Julien Bastien-Lepage, French painter, bronze portrait relief (1880) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Saint-Gaudens NHS. Cornish, NH. | Samuel Gray Ward plaster portrait relief (1881) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Saint-Gaudens NHS. Cornish, NH. | Diana bronze bust (1882 cast after 1908) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Saint-Gaudens NHS. Cornish, NH. |
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Homer Saint-Gaudens bronze relief (1882) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Carnegie Museum of Art. Pittsburgh, PA. | Mrs. Stanford White marble relief (1884) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Metropolitan Museum of Art. New York, NY. | Bessie Smith White bronze portrait relief (1884) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Dallas Museum of Art. Dallas, TX. | Mortimer Leo Schiff & Frieda Fanny Schiff bronze portrait relief (1884-5) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Saint-Gaudens NHS. Cornish, NH. |
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William Evarts Beaman, son of Charles & Hettie, bronze portrait relief (1885) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Saint-Gaudens NHS. Cornish, NH. | Robert Louis Stevenson bronze relief (1887) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Nelson-Atkins Museum. Kansas City, MO. | Bronze sculpted plaque of Robert Louis Stevenson (1888) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens, uncle of Rose Nichols, at Nichols House Museum. Boston, MA. | Detail of bronze sculpted plaque of Robert Louis Stevenson (1888) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Nichols House Museum. Boston, MA. |
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Bronze sculpted plaque of Robert Louis Stevenson (1887) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at National Museum of Scotland. Edinburgh, Scotland. | Robert Louis Stevenson bronze relief (1887) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Metropolitan Museum of Art. New York, NY. | Robert Louis Stevenson bronze relief (1887) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Metropolitan Museum of Art. New York, NY. | Robert Louis Stevenson bronze portrait relief (3rd version) (1900-3) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at St Giles Cathedral. Edinburgh, Scotland. |
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Robert Louis Stevenson plaster portrait relief (3rd version) (1900-3) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Saint-Gaudens NHS. Cornish, NH. | General William Tecumseh Sherman plaster bust (1888) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Saint-Gaudens NHS. Cornish, NH. | William Merritt Chase, landscape painter, plaster portrait relief (1888) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Saint-Gaudens NHS. Cornish, NH. | General William Tecumseh Sherman bronze bust (1888) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Metropolitan Museum of Art. New York, NY. |
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Mr. Schuyler Van Rensselaer bronze relief (1888) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Metropolitan Museum of Art. New York, NY. | Kenyon Cox, muralist bronze relief (1889) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at National Portrait Gallery. Washington, DC. | Violet Sargent, sister of John Singer Sargent bronze relief (1890) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Smithsonian American Art Museum. Washington, DC. | Violet Sargent, sister of John Singer Sargent bronze relief (1890) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. |
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Violet Sargent, sister of John Singer Sargent, marble portrait relief (1890) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Saint-Gaudens NHS. Cornish, NH. | Bronze plaque (1893) of George Hollingsworth by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Museum of Fine Arts. Boston, MA. | World Columbian Exposition, Christopher Columbus copper medal (1893) with Columbus by Augustus Saint-Gaudens & reverse by Charles E Barber because Saint-Gaudens design was controversial at Museum of Nebraska History. Lincoln, NE. | World Columbian Exposition, Christopher Columbus medal (1893) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens & Charles E Barber made by Scovill Manuf. Co. at Yale University Art Gallery. New Haven, CT. |
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World Columbian Exposition reverse of bronze medal (1893) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens rejected because it displayed a nude male at Saint-Gaudens NHS. Cornish, NH. | The Howells, William Dean & daughter Mildred, bronze portrait relief (1888) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Saint-Gaudens NHS. Cornish, NH. | William Dean Howells, author with daughter Mildred bronze relief (1898) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at National Portrait Gallery. Washington, DC. | Charles Cotesworth Beaman, lawyer who sold Aspet to artist, bronze portrait relief (1891) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Saint-Gaudens NHS. Cornish, NH. |
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Hettie Evarts Beaman, wife of Charles, bronze portrait relief (1900) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Saint-Gaudens NHS. Cornish, NH. | Mr. & Mrs. Wayne MacVeagh bronze relief (1902) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Corcoran Gallery of Art. Washington, DC. | William O. Moseley bronze portrait relief (1902-3) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Saint-Gaudens NHS. Cornish, NH. | Anna Lyman Gray bronze portrait relief (1902-4) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Saint-Gaudens NHS. Cornish, NH. |
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Roger Wolcott bronze portrait relief (1903) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Saint-Gaudens NHS. Cornish, NH. | Theodore Roosevelt medal & American Eagle coin (1905) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Saint-Gaudens NHS. Cornish, NH. | Teddy Roosevelt inaugural medal (1905) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Old Orchard Museum at Sagamore Hill NHS. Cove Neck, NY. | Cornish Celebration bronze plaquette (1905) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Saint-Gaudens NHS. Cornish, NH. |
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Interior of Little Studio at Saint-Gaudens NHS. Cornish, NH. | Interior of Little Studio at Saint-Gaudens NHS. Cornish, NH. | Gallery of works by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Saint-Gaudens NHS. Cornish, NH. | Fireplace with plaster models in Little Studio at Saint-Gaudens NHS. Cornish, NH. |
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Augustus Saint-Gaudens artwork in Little Studio at Saint-Gaudens NHS. Cornish, NH. | Francis D. Miller portrait relief (c1880), William Gedney Bunce bronze portrait relief (1877), & study for Head of Victory (1897-1903) all by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Saint-Gaudens NHS. Cornish, NH. | Marble study for head of Christ (1907), Josiah Gilbert Holland plaster portrait relief (1881), & Charles A. Platt plaster portrait relief (1904) all by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Saint-Gaudens NHS. Cornish, NH. | Admiral David Glasgow Farragut Monument bronze portrait head (1910) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Metropolitan Museum of Art. New York, NY. |
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Children of Prescott Hall Butler marble relief (1906) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Metropolitan Museum of Art. New York, NY. | Vanderbilt mansion mantelpiece (1881-3) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Metropolitan Museum of Art. New York, NY. | Vanderbilt mansion mantelpiece mosaic (1881-3) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Metropolitan Museum of Art. New York, NY. | Children of Jacob H. Schiff marble relief (1906-7) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Metropolitan Museum of Art. New York, NY. |
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Bronze bust of Augustus Saint-Gaudens (1848-1907) (after 1908) by Henry Hering at Saint-Gaudens NHS. Cornish, NH. | Augustus Saint-Gaudens portrait (1908 replica of 1887 original) by Kenyon Cox at Metropolitan Museum of Art. New York, NY. |