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Musée du Petit Palais. Avignon, France. | Sculpture of Louis of Orleans presented by an apostle of the annunciation (1402) from tomb of Cardinal Lagrange of Avignon at Petit Palais Museum. Avignon, France. | Last supper painting (3rd quarter 13thC) by workshop of Master of Madeleine of Florence at Petit Palais Museum. Avignon, France. | Portrait of prophet (before 1344) by Simone Martini at Petit Palais Museum. Avignon, France. |
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Portrait of prophet (before 1344) by Simone Martini at Petit Palais Museum. Avignon, France. | St Lucia & St Blaise painting (1400s) by Bicci di Lorenzo of Florence at Petit Palais Museum. Avignon, France. | Crucifix painting (1400s) by Lorenzo di Bicci of Florence at Petit Palais Museum. Avignon, France. | St Hommebon & St Christopher painting (1400s) by Pietro Lianori of Bologna at Petit Palais Museum. Avignon, France. |
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St Michel sorting souls painting (1400s) by Biagio d'Antonio Tucci of Florence at Petit Palais Museum. Avignon, France. | Crowning of Virgin with Sts Anthony, Augustine, Tobias & angels painting (1400s) by Neri di Bicci of Florence at Petit Palais Museum. Avignon, France. | Virgin & Child painting (c1467-70) by Sandro Botticelli of Florence at Petit Palais Museum. Avignon, France. | Virgin & Child with angel painting (c1500) by Sandro Botticelli at Petit Palais Museum. Avignon, France. |