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Gallery containing the Apocalypse Tapestry in part created in Paris workshop of Robert Poinçon (mid-14thC) which depicts New Testament Revelation of John of Patmos at Angers Chateau. Angers, France. | Gallery containing 67 scenes of the Apocalypse Tapestry at Angers Chateau. Angers, France. | Visitors studying Apocalypse Tapestry at Angers Chateau. Angers, France. | Probably Duke Louis I of Anjou who commissioned Apocalypse Tapestry at Angers Chateau. Angers, France. |
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The seven churches to which John of Patmos is to send the Revelation on Apocalypse Tapestry at Angers Chateau. Angers, France. | Christ with sword & 7 candlesticks from Apocalypse Tapestry at Angers Chateau. Angers, France. | God in Majesty with 24 Elders from Apocalypse Tapestry at Angers Chateau. Angers, France. | The Elders fall down before God from Apocalypse Tapestry at Angers Chateau. Angers, France. |
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The Slain lamb with symbols of Evangelists from Apocalypse Tapestry at Angers Chateau. Angers, France. | First seal: conqueror on the white horse from Apocalypse Tapestry at Angers Chateau. Angers, France. | Third seal: black horse & famine from Apocalypse Tapestry at Angers Chateau. Angers, France. | Fourth seal: pale horse & death from Apocalypse Tapestry at Angers Chateau. Angers, France. |
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Burning in hell detail of Fourth seal: pale horse & death from Apocalypse Tapestry at Angers Chateau. Angers, France. | Death on pale horse detail of pale horse & death from Fourth seal from Apocalypse Tapestry at Angers Chateau. Angers, France. | Fifth seal: souls of the martyrs from Apocalypse Tapestry at Angers Chateau. Angers, France. | The multitude of the earthquake from Apocalypse Tapestry at Angers Chateau. Angers, France. |
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Angel with censer from Apocalypse Tapestry at Angers Chateau. Angers, France. | Angel empties his censer & blows trumpet from Apocalypse Tapestry at Angers Chateau. Angers, France. | Second trumpet: shipwreck from Apocalypse Tapestry at Angers Chateau. Angers, France. | Fourth trumpet: the eagle of woe from Apocalypse Tapestry at Angers Chateau. Angers, France. |
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Fifth trumpet: locusts from Apocalypse Tapestry at Angers Chateau. Angers, France. | Myriad horsemen from Apocalypse Tapestry at Angers Chateau. Angers, France. | Angels with book from Apocalypse Tapestry at Angers Chateau. Angers, France. | Detail of Angels with Book from Apocalypse Tapestry at Angers Chateau. Angers, France. |
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Large figure under a canopy introducing a new section of Apocalypse Tapestry at Angers Chateau. Angers, France. | Woman clothed with sun from Apocalypse Tapestry at Angers Chateau. Angers, France. | St Michael fights the dragon from Apocalypse Tapestry at Angers Chateau. Angers, France. | Woman is given wings from Apocalypse Tapestry at Angers Chateau. Angers, France. |
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Dragon pursues winged woman from Apocalypse Tapestry at Angers Chateau. Angers, France. | Dragon fights servants of God from Apocalypse Tapestry at Angers Chateau. Angers, France. | Beast of the sea from Apocalypse Tapestry at Angers Chateau. Angers, France. | Worship of Dragon from Apocalypse Tapestry at Angers Chateau. Angers, France. |
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Worship of Beast from Apocalypse Tapestry at Angers Chateau. Angers, France. | Large figure under canopy introducing new section of Apocalypse Tapestry at Angers Chateau. Angers, France. | Beast of the earth causes fire to fall from heaven from Apocalypse Tapestry at Angers Chateau. Angers, France. | Second angel announces fall of Babylon from Apocalypse Tapestry at Angers Chateau. Angers, France. |
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Third angel & Lamb from Apocalypse Tapestry at Angers Chateau. Angers, France. | Sleep of the Just from Apocalypse Tapestry at Angers Chateau. Angers, France. | Winepress overflows from Apocalypse Tapestry at Angers Chateau. Angers, France. | Seven last plagues & harps of God from Apocalypse Tapestry at Angers Chateau. Angers, France. |
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Whore mounted on Beast from Apocalypse Tapestry at Angers Chateau. Angers, France. | Fall of Babylon overrun by demons from Apocalypse Tapestry at Angers Chateau. Angers, France. | Beasts are thrown into lake of fire from Apocalypse Tapestry at Angers Chateau. Angers, France. | New Jerusalem from Apocalypse Tapestry at Angers Chateau. Angers, France. |
Embroidered detail of rabbit from Apocalypse Tapestry at Angers Chateau. Angers, France. |