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Antibes Musée d'Archeologie (Archeology Museum) in structure within city walls. Antibes, France. | Map of Antibes (c1894) at Antibes Archeology Museum. Antibes, France. | Ancient red-on-black Grecian style pottery (2nd half of 4thC BCE) at Antibes Archeology Museum. Antibes, France. | Water vessel left in tomb of deceased (550-400 BCE) at Antibes Archeology Museum. Antibes, France. |
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Mask of Silène in bronze casting (80-60 BCE) at Antibes Archeology Museum. Antibes, France. | Carved marble (5th - 6thC) from ancient cathedral in Antibes at Antibes Archeology Museum. Antibes, France. | Amphorae from an Islamic ship likely from Spain (10thC) at Antibes Archeology Museum. Antibes, France. | Amphorae likely from a Spanish Islamic ship (10thC) at Antibes Archeology Museum. Antibes, France. |
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Glazed ceramic plate (16thC) & jug at Antibes Archeology Museum. Antibes, France. | Loom weights at Antibes Archeology Museum. Antibes, France. | Drawing of an old time vertical loom at Antibes Archeology Museum. Antibes, France. |