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Ancient Egyptian Ibis god statue (6thC BCE) at Kunsthistorisches Museum. Vienna, Austria. | Egyptian glass & bronze statuette of squatting ibis (300 BCE - 100 CE) at Getty Museum Villa. Malibu, CA. | Gilt ibis coffin (Late Period - c664-332 BCE) at Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum. San Jose, CA. | Wood & bronze crouching ibis figure associated with Thoth, god of scribes (400-300s BCE) at Museum Ägyptischer Kunst. Munich, Germany. |
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Ancient Egyptian bronze statuette of Ibis & priest (664-30 BCE) at Museum of Fine Arts. Boston, MA. | Egyptian ibis figure of bronze & onyx (664-525 BCE - 26th dynasty) at Carnegie Museum of Art. Pittsburgh, PA. | Egyptian wood gilt mummy case for Ibis god Thot (1stC BCE) in Vatican Museum. Vatican City. | Egyptian bronze & alabaster ibis mummy coffin (664-30 BCE, Late Ptolemaic Period) at San Antonio Museum of Art. San Antonio, TX. |
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Egyptian wooden coffin painted with sacred ibis of Thoth (305-30 BCE) at Museum of Fine Arts, Houston. Houston, TX. | Egyptian mummified ibis at Brooklyn Museum. Brooklyn, NY. | African sacred ibis (Threskiornis aethiopicus) & Cattle Egret (Bubulcus ibis) in Nairobi National Park. Kenya. |