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Department of the Interior (1936) (1849 C St. NW). Washington, DC. Architect: Waddy Butler Wood, et al. On National Register. | Department of the Interior facade. Washington, DC. | Moose relief (1939) by Boris Gilbertson on Department of the Interior building. Washington, DC. | Buffalo relief (1939) by Boris Gilbertson on Department of the Interior building. Washington, DC. |
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Staircase in Department of the Interior building. Washington, DC. | Ceremonial Dance mural (1939) by Stephen Mopope at Interior Department. Washington, DC. | Native dancers detail of Ceremonial Dance mural (1939) by Stephen Mopope at Interior Department. Washington, DC. | Worship detail of Ceremonial Dance mural (1939) by Stephen Mopope at Interior Department. Washington, DC. |
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Native dancers detail of Ceremonial Dance mural (1939) by Stephen Mopope at Interior Department. Washington, DC. | Signature detail of Ceremonial Dance mural (1939) by Stephen Mopope at Interior Department t. Washington, DC. | Harvest Dance mural (1939) by James Auchia at Interior Department. Washington, DC. | Signature detail of James Auchia on Harvest Dance mural (1939) at Interior Department. Washington, DC. |
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Native dancers detail of Harvest Dance mural (1939) by James Auchia at Interior Department. Washington, DC. | Native women detail of Harvest Dance mural (1939) by James Auchia at Interior Department. Washington, DC. | Native women detail of Harvest Dance mural (1939) by James Auchia at Interior Department. Washington, DC. | Native food detail of Harvest Dance mural (1939) by James Auchia at Interior Department. Washington, DC. |
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Bureau of Indian Affairs: Natives with Teacher painting (1939) by Maynard Dixon at Interior Department. Washington, DC. | Bureau of Indian Affairs: Native Americans with cavalry officer painting (1939) by Maynard Dixon at Interior Department. Washington, DC. | Detail of Bureau of Indian Affairs: Native Americans with cavalry officer painting (1939) by Maynard Dixon at Interior Department. Washington, DC. | Maynard Dixon mural signature detail (1939) with buffalo at Interior Department. Washington, DC. |
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Rush for the Oklahoma Land - 1894 painting (1939) by John Steuart Curry at Interior Department. Washington, DC. | Woman in buckboard detail of Rush for the Oklahoma Land - 1894 painting (1939) by John Steuart Curry at Interior Department. Washington, DC. | Homesteading & the Building of Barbed Wire Fences painting (1939) by John Steuart Curry at Interior Department. Washington, DC. | Detail of Homesteading & the Building of Barbed Wire Fences painting (1939) by John Steuart Curry at Interior Department. Washington, DC. |
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Driving cattle painting (1938) by Ernest Fiene at Interior Department. Washington, DC. | Placer Mining for Gold painting (1938) by Ernest Fiene at Interior Department. Washington, DC. | Dredger detail of Placer Mining for Gold painting (1938) by Ernest Fiene at Interior Department. Washington, DC. | Picking apples mural (1938) by Nicolai Cikovsky at Interior Department. Washington, DC. |
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Picking dates mural (1938) by Nicolai Cikovsky at Interior Department. Washington, DC. | Digging irrigation canals mural (1938) by Nicolai Cikovsky at Interior Department. Washington, DC. | Desert cactus mural (1938) by Nicolai Cikovsky at Interior Department. Washington, DC. | Hoover Dam photo mural (1941-2) by Ansel Adams at Interior Department. Washington, DC. |
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Hoover Dam electrical tower photo mural (1941-2) by Ansel Adams at Interior Department. Washington, DC. | Canyon de Chelly photo mural (1941-2) by Ansel Adams at Interior Department. Washington, DC. | "Incident in Contemporary American Life" about Marian Anderson concert at Lincoln Memorial painting (1942) by Mitchell Jamieson at Interior Department. Washington, DC. | Blacks in Science painting (1948) by Millard Sheets at Interior Department. Washington, DC. |
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Blacks in Religion painting (1948) by Millard Sheets at Interior Department. Washington, DC. | Blacks in Education painting (1948) by Millard Sheets at Interior Department. Washington, DC. | Blacks in The Arts painting (1948) by Millard Sheets at Interior Department. Washington, DC. | Guardians of the Past painting (2000) by Daniel Galvez at Interior Department. Washington, DC. |