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Folger Shakespeare Library (1932) (201 East Capitol St. SE). Washington, DC. Style: Art Deco. Architect: Paul Philippe Cret & Alexander Trowbridge. | Sculpted facade of Folger Shakespeare Library. Washington, DC. | Entrance of Folger Shakespeare Library. Washington, DC. | Relief of Pegasus on Folger Shakespeare Library. Washington, DC. |
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Art Deco doors of Folger Shakespeare Library. Washington, DC. | Midsummer Nights Dream relief on Folger Shakespeare Library. Washington, DC. | Romeo & Juliet relief on Folger Shakespeare Library. Washington, DC. | Macbeth relief on Folger Shakespeare Library. Washington, DC. |
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Julius Caesar relief on Folger Shakespeare Library. Washington, DC. | Hamlet relief on Folger Shakespeare Library. Washington, DC. | Henry the Fourth relief on Folger Shakespeare Library. Washington, DC. | Theater in Folger Shakespeare Library. Washington, DC. |
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Display hall at Folger Shakespeare Library. Washington, DC. | Ceiling in display hall at Folger Shakespeare Library. Washington, DC. | Display hall tile floor at Folger Shakespeare Library. Washington, DC. | Statue of Henry Clay Folger (1857-1930) at Folger Shakespeare Library. Washington, DC. |
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Photos (1885) of Henry Clay Folger & Emily Jordan Folger at Folger Shakespeare Library. Washington, DC. | Stained glass windows with Shakespearian themes at Folger Shakespeare Library. Washington, DC. | Stained glass windows with Shakespearian themes at Folger Shakespeare Library. Washington, DC. | The Ashbourne Portrait (1612) once thought to be that of Shakespeare at Folger Shakespeare Library. Washington, DC. |
Portrait of David Garrick theater manager leaning on a bust of Shakespeare (18thC) after Thomas Gainsborough at Folger Shakespeare Library. Washington, DC. |