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Detail of lizard face on Marriage Carousel sculpture fountain located near White Tower. Nuremberg, Germany. | Marriage Carousel sculpture which portrays couple's life from courtship to strangling each other after poem by Hans Sachs. Nuremberg, Germany. | Column of roses detail on Marriage Carousel sculpture. Nuremberg, Germany. | Sculpted young woman detail on Marriage Carousel sculpture. Nuremberg, Germany. |
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Courtship of couple detail on Marriage Carousel sculpture. Nuremberg, Germany. | Wife with trumpeter detail on Marriage Carousel sculpture. Nuremberg, Germany. | Couple nurturing children on back of symbolic pelican detail on Marriage Carousel sculpture. Nuremberg, Germany. | Couple nurturing children on back of symbolic pelican detail on Marriage Carousel sculpture. Nuremberg, Germany. |
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Pelican detail nurturing couple's children on Marriage Carousel sculpture. Nuremberg, Germany. | Couple growing fat with gluttony detail on Marriage Carousel sculpture. Nuremberg, Germany. | Couple growing fat with gluttony detail on Marriage Carousel sculpture. Nuremberg, Germany. | Symbolic goat detail on Marriage Carousel sculpture. Nuremberg, Germany. |
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Couple in conflict detail on Marriage Carousel sculpture. Nuremberg, Germany. | Marriage Carousel (Ehekarussell) fountain (aka Hans Sachs fountain) (1981) by Jürgen Weber based on poem by Hans Sachs. Nuremberg, Germany. | Couple strangling each other detail on Marriage Carousel sculpture. Nuremberg, Germany. | Couple strangling each other detail on Marriage Carousel sculpture. Nuremberg, Germany. |
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Couple strangling each other detail on Marriage Carousel sculpture. Nuremberg, Germany. | Couple in old age detail on Marriage Carousel sculpture. Nuremberg, Germany. | Till death do you part detail on Marriage Carousel sculpture. Nuremberg, Germany. | Figure, probably Hans Sachs, dances above Marriage Carousel sculpture. Nuremberg, Germany. |
White Tower (Weißer Turm) (c1250) on Ludwigsplatz. Nuremberg, Germany. |