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Park Inn, St Mary's Church & Berlin Television Tower. Berlin, Germany. | Observation windows & electronic aspects of Berlin Television Tower. Berlin, Germany. | Worker climbs Berlin Television Tower. Berlin, Germany. | Worker cleaning Berlin Television Tower. Berlin, Germany. |
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Berlin Television Tower above Altes Rathaus. Berlin, Germany. | Base of Berlin Television Tower with tower's shadow on Park Inn. Berlin, Germany. | Base of Berlin Television Tower with visitor center & casino. Berlin, Germany. | Gardens around base of Berlin Television Tower. Berlin, Germany. |
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Design of wing over base of Berlin Television Tower. Berlin, Germany. | Roof wing over base of Berlin Television Tower. Berlin, Germany. | View out of base of Berlin Television Tower. Berlin, Germany. | TV antenna tower & International Clock in Alexanderplatz in profile. Berlin, Germany. |
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World Time Clock (1960s) & TV Tower on Alexanderplatz. Berlin, Germany. | World Time Clock (1960s) & TV Tower on Alexanderplatz. Berlin, Germany. | TV tower & Internationales Handelszentrum (white framed highrise) from top of German Bundestag. Berlin, Germany. | Berlin Television Tower (1969) erected by DDR East German government. Berlin, Germany. Architect: Hermann Henselmann. |
Berlin Television Tower over Neptune Fountain. Berlin, Germany. |