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Stockade & replica colonists structures of Henricus. VA. | Earthen chimneys in English colonist style at Henricus. VA. | Mt. Malado Hospital (1614) reproduction at Henricus where newly arrived colonists would be given hospitality to recuperate from voyage before being integrated into colony. VA. | Interior of hospital building at Henricus. VA. |
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Barracks accommodation in hospital building at Henricus. VA. | Table with wooden & earthenware vessels in hospital building at Henricus. VA. | Table with wooden & earthenware vessels in hospital building at Henricus. VA. | Landside stockade replica of Henricus. VA. |
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Thatched mud huts of Henricus. VA. | Interior of guard hut at Henricus. VA. | Row of single-charge gunpowder flasks in guard hut at Henricus. VA. | Matchlocks in guard hut at Henricus. VA. |
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Wood & mud fireplace in guard hut at Henricus. VA. | Wooden trades hut at Henricus. VA. | Blacksmith's bellows in trades hut at Henricus. VA. | Tobacco plants at Henricus. VA. |
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Early breed of pig at Henricus. VA. | Settlers' house at Henricus. VA. | Interior of settlers' house at Henricus. VA. | Fireplace in settlers' house at Henricus. VA. |
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Bed & trapped furs in settlers' house at Henricus. VA. | Vessels in settlers' house at Henricus. VA. | Handcart with straw at Henricus. VA. | Replica of mat covered hut used by native-Virginian Powhaten Arrohatec Indian tribes at Henricus. VA. |
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Interior of native-Virginian Indian hut at Henricus. VA. | Fur drying in Indian hut at Henricus. VA. | Family mat covered hut of Algonkain Yehakin Indians at Henricus. VA. | Indian hut interior at Henricus. VA. |
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Native corn & squash in native encampment at Henricus. VA. | Native dugout canoe at Henricus. VA. | More modern ruins of chimney & monument mark Henricus. VA. | View of James River from Henricus. VA. |
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View of I-295 bridge over James River from Henricus. VA. | View of I-295 bridge over James River from Henricus. VA. |