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John Marshall House (1790) (818 E. Marshall St.). Richmond, VA. Style: Federal. Architect: Chief Justice John Marshall. On National Register. | Parlor of John Marshall House. Richmond, VA. | Parlor set for coffee & tea service in John Marshall House. Richmond, VA. | Coffee service (c1820) in Parlor of John Marshall House. Richmond, VA. |
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John Marshall portrait over fireplace in large dining room of John Marshall House. Richmond, VA. | John Marshall portrait (c1834) by William James Hubard in John Marshall House. Richmond, VA. | Adamesque cherub on fireplace surround in large dining room of John Marshall House. Richmond, VA. | Bookcase with swan neck pediment in large dining room of John Marshall House. Richmond, VA. |
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Bookcase & Marshall's French Empire clock in large dining room of John Marshall House. Richmond, VA. | Dropfront desk with bookcase (c1790) in large dining room of John Marshall House. Richmond, VA. | Large dining room of John Marshall House. Richmond, VA. | Porcelain & glassware in large dining room of John Marshall House. Richmond, VA. |
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Serving pieces of Mary Willis Marshall's French porcelain (c1797) at John Marshall House. Richmond, VA. | Serving dishes, glassware & candlesticks in pantry of John Marshall House. Richmond, VA. | Pitcher (c1796-1803) with joined rings representing 16 American States in John Marshall House. Richmond, VA. | Graphic of late President George Washington by P. Roberts in John Marshall House. Richmond, VA. |
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Entrance hall stairwell of John Marshall House. Richmond, VA. | Master bedchamber of John Marshall House. Richmond, VA. | Argand oil lamp in master bedchamber of John Marshall House. Richmond, VA. | Cupboard, table & chairs upstairs in John Marshall House. Richmond, VA. |
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Fold-down top desk in master bedchamber of John Marshall House. Richmond, VA. | Portrait of John Marshal by Jeremiah Paul at John Marshall House. Richmond, VA. | Drawing (c1825) of Mary Ambler Marshall by Thomas Marshall at John Marshall House. Richmond, VA. | North bedchamber with infant furnishings in John Marshall House. Richmond, VA. |
High post bed with quilt in North bedchamber of John Marshall House. Richmond, VA. |