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St Paul's Episcopal Church (1843) (815 E. Grace St.). Richmond, VA. Style: Greek Revival. Architect: Thomas S. Stewart. On National Register. | Bell tower of St. Paul's Episcopal Church. Richmond, VA. | Neoclassical columns of St. Paul's Episcopal Church. Richmond, VA. | Interior of St. Paul's Episcopal Church. Richmond, VA. |
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Pulpit of St. Paul's Episcopal Church. Richmond, VA. | Organ of St. Paul's Episcopal Church. Richmond, VA. | Stained glass windows of St. Paul's Episcopal Church. Richmond, VA. | Moses renouncing his Egyptian Pharonic upbringing in stained glass dedicated to Robert E. Lee, window (1892) by Henry Holiday in St Paul's Episcopal Church. Richmond, VA. |
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Memorial plaque dedicated to Robert E. Lee in St. Paul's Episcopal Church. Richmond, VA. | Paul before Herod Agrippa explaining his two-year imprisonment in stained glass dedicated to Jefferson Davis, window (1898) by Tiffany Studios in St Paul's Episcopal Church. Richmond, VA. | Memorial plaque dedicated to Jefferson Davis in St. Paul's Episcopal Church. Richmond, VA. | Angels of Annunciation in stained glass window (c1901) by Tiffany Studios in St Paul's Episcopal Church. Richmond, VA. |
Moses on Mount Nebo in stained glass dedicated to Robert E. Lee, window (1892) by Henry Holiday in St Paul's Episcopal Church. Richmond, VA. |