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Ash Lawn-Highland older section of home of James Monroe. Charlotttesville, VA. | Ash Lawn-Highland (1000 James Monroe Parkway) home of James Monroe (1793-1826). Charlotttesville, VA. | Wellhouse & Monroe house at Ash Lawn-Highland. Charlotttesville, VA. | Front porch of Ash Lawn-Highland. Charlotttesville, VA. |
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Hall stairs of Ash Lawn-Highland. Charlotttesville, VA. | Drawing room of Ash Lawn-Highland with early 19th C wallpaper. Charlotttesville, VA. | Drawing room of Ash Lawn-Highland with chairs (c1800) imported by Monroe's from Paris. Charlotttesville, VA. | Wallpaper (early 19thC) Paysage a Chasse by Jean Zuber in drawing room of Ash Lawn-Highland. Charlotttesville, VA. |
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Fireplace in drawing room of Ash Lawn. Charlotttesville, VA. | Vases & mantle clock in drawing room of Ash Lawn. Charlotttesville, VA. | Bust of Napoleon by Chaudet given by Napoleon to Monroe in drawing room of Ash Lawn. Charlotttesville, VA. | Fireplace in dining room of Ash Lawn-Highland. Charlotttesville, VA. |
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Dining room of Ash Lawn-Highland. Charlotttesville, VA. | Sideboard in dining room of Ash Lawn-Highland. Charlotttesville, VA. | Corner cabinet with china in dining room of Ash Lawn-Highland. Charlotttesville, VA. | Monroes' bedchamber at Ash Lawn-Highland. Charlotttesville, VA. |
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Monroes' bed at Ash Lawn-Highland. Charlotttesville, VA. | Dresser in Monroes' bedchamber at Ash Lawn-Highland. Charlotttesville, VA. | Fireplace in Monroes' bedchamber at Ash Lawn-Highland. Charlotttesville, VA. | Mantle clock in Monroes' bedchamber at Ash Lawn-Highland. Charlotttesville, VA. |
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Wallpaper in Monroes' bedchamber at Ash Lawn-Highland. Charlotttesville, VA. | Pitcher & basin in children's room at Ash Lawn-Highland. Charlotttesville, VA. | Sampler (1814) by Maria Monroe in children's room at Ash Lawn-Highland. Charlotttesville, VA. | Fireplace in study at Ash Lawn-Highland. Charlotttesville, VA. |
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Mantle clock in Monroes' study at Ash Lawn-Highland. Charlotttesville, VA. | Books of Monroe's collection in mourning cabinet in study at Ash Lawn-Highland. Charlotttesville, VA. | Dropfront desk in study at Ash Lawn-Highland. Charlotttesville, VA. | Overseer's Cottage & Slave Quarters on grounds of Ash Lawn-Highland. Charlotttesville, VA. |
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Wellhouse & Slave Quarters on grounds of Ash Lawn-Highland. Charlotttesville, VA. | Interior of kitchen at Ash Lawn-Highland. Charlotttesville, VA. | Kitchen fireplace at Ash Lawn-Highland. Charlotttesville, VA. | Buckets in kitchen at Ash Lawn-Highland. Charlotttesville, VA. |
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Interior of Slave Quarters at Ash Lawn-Highland. Charlotttesville, VA. | Interior of Overseer's Cottage at Ash Lawn-Highland. Charlotttesville, VA. | Overseer's Cottage at Ash Lawn-Highland. Charlotttesville, VA. | Rocking chair, chests, tables & vessels at Ash Lawn-Highland. Charlotttesville, VA. |
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Garden at Ash Lawn-Highland. Charlotttesville, VA. | Garden at Ash Lawn-Highland. Charlotttesville, VA. | Miniature portrait of James Monroe (c1820s) by H. Strong after original (1821) by John Vanderlyn at Ash Lawn-Highland. Charlotttesville, VA. | Graphic of birthplace of James Monroe at Ash Lawn-Highland. Charlotttesville, VA. |
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Portrait (1794) of Elizabeth Kortright Monroe, wife of James Monroe, by Sené at Ash Lawn-Highland. Charlotttesville, VA. | Engraving of Mrs. James Monroe by J.C. Buttes at Ash Lawn-Highland. Charlotttesville, VA. | American chairs (late 18thC) owned by Elizabeth & James Monroe at Ash Lawn: ladder back, Windsor arm, rod-back Windsor side chairs. Charlotttesville, VA. | Collection of American & French chairs (early 19thC) owned by Elizabeth & James Monroe at Ash Lawn. Charlotttesville, VA. |
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Collection of upholstered chairs (early 19thC) owned by Elizabeth & James Monroe at Ash Lawn. Charlotttesville, VA. | Paris Porcelain dishes (c1817) probably from James Monroe's Presidential dinner service at Ash Lawn-Highland. Charlotttesville, VA. | Paris Porcelain dishes (c1817) probably from James Monroe's Presidential dinner service at Ash Lawn-Highland. Charlotttesville, VA. | Desert service (c1817) by P.L. Dagoty from James Monroe's Presidential porcelain at Ash Lawn-Highland. Charlotttesville, VA. |