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Skyline of Mormon Temple Square with LDS Office Building, beehive dome of Joseph Smith Memorial Building all over streetcar on South Temple Street. Salt Lake City, UT. | Skyline with LDS Office Building, Mormon Temple & beehive dome of Joseph Smith Memorial Building. Salt Lake City, UT. | Salt Lake LDS Mormon Temple (1853-93) (64m 210ft). Salt Lake City, UT. Architect: Truman O. Angell. | East entrance facade of Mormon Temple. Salt Lake City, UT. |
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Mormon Temple & LDS Office Building on Temple Square. Salt Lake City, UT. | Round windows & towers of Mormon Temple. Salt Lake City, UT. | South side facade of Mormon Temple. Salt Lake City, UT. | West end facade of Mormon Temple. Salt Lake City, UT. |
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Archangel Gabriel golden statue atop Mormon Temple. Salt Lake City, UT. | Dedication plaque on eastern facade of Mormon Temple. Salt Lake City, UT. | Entrance doors of Mormon Temple. Salt Lake City, UT. | Eye of God symbol over entrance of Mormon Temple. Salt Lake City, UT. |
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Christian handshake symbol with "I am alpha & omega" statement over entrance of Mormon Temple. Salt Lake City, UT. | Salt Lake Mormon Tabernacle (1864-7) on Temple Square. Salt Lake City, UT. Architect: Henry Grow then Truman O. Angell. | Tabernacle with aluminum-covered roof upon original pegged wooden lattice designed by Ithiel Town. Salt Lake City, UT. | Tabernacle , home of Mormon Tabernacle Choir & Orchestra. Salt Lake City, UT. |
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Mormon Tabernacle organ by Joseph H. Ridges with 700 pipes since increased to 11,000. Salt Lake City, UT. | Mormon Tabernacle organ against blue light during concert. Salt Lake City, UT. | Mormon Assembly Hall (1877-80) on Temple Square. Salt Lake City, UT. Style: Gothic Revival. Architect: Obed Taylor. | Mormon Assembly Hall where short towers were originally chimneys. Salt Lake City, UT. |
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Gothic details of Mormon Assembly Hall. Salt Lake City, UT. | Central tower of Mormon Assembly Hall. Salt Lake City, UT. | Mormon Assembly Hall against highrises on South Temple Street. Salt Lake City, UT. | Organ in Mormon Assembly Hall. Salt Lake City, UT. |
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Sea Gull Monument to 1848 event when first year settlers to Salt Lake were fighting crickets who were about to destroy crops & miracle when thousands of gulls descended & ate the crickets. Salt Lake City, UT. | Scene of ox carts moving west at base of Sea Gull Monument. Salt Lake City, UT. | Brigham Young statue, first displayed at Chicago's 1893 World's Fair, now atop Pioneer Monument at South Temple & Main Streets. Salt Lake City, UT. | Mormon pioneers relief on Brigham Young monument. Salt Lake City, UT. |
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Sculpture of native American with bow & arrows on Brigham Young monument. Salt Lake City, UT. | Replica of Great Salt Lake Meridian marker beside Brigham Young monument. Salt Lake City, UT. | Joseph Smith Memorial Building (former Hotel Utah) (1911) (13 floors) (15 East South Temple). Salt Lake City, UT. Style: French Renaissance. Architect: Parkinson & Bergstrom. | U-shaped upper floors of Joseph Smith Memorial Building. Salt Lake City, UT. |
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Terra-cotta facade of Joseph Smith Memorial Building. Salt Lake City, UT. | Beehive cupola atop Joseph Smith Memorial Building. Salt Lake City, UT. | Sculpted terra-cotta detail atop Joseph Smith Memorial Building. Salt Lake City, UT. | Greek elements of Joseph Smith Memorial Building. Salt Lake City, UT. |
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Brigham Young & Pioneers Monument & Joseph Smith Memorial Building. Salt Lake City, UT. | Sculpted lion on Joseph Smith Memorial Building. Salt Lake City, UT. | Cornice details of Joseph Smith Memorial Building. Salt Lake City, UT. | Entrance portal of Joseph Smith Memorial Building. Salt Lake City, UT. |
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Lobby of Joseph Smith Memorial Building. Salt Lake City, UT. | Columns in lobby of Joseph Smith Memorial Building. Salt Lake City, UT. | Sculpted lion on Joseph Smith Memorial Building. Salt Lake City, UT. | Joseph Smith Memorial Building, Church Administration Building & Lion House on South Temple Street. Salt Lake City, UT. |
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Mormon Church Administration Building (1914-7) (47 East South Temple). Salt Lake City, UT. Style: Neoclassical. Architect: Joseph Don Carlos Young & Don Carlos Young. | Entrance of Mormon Church Administration Building. Salt Lake City, UT. | Greek Ionic pilasters of Mormon Church Administration Building. Salt Lake City, UT. | Flower garden beside LDS Church Administration Buildings. Salt Lake City, UT. |
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LDS Office Building (1972) (28 floors) (50 East North Temple) over Eagle Gate, Lion & Beehive houses. Salt Lake City, UT. Architect: George Cannon Young. | Beehive House & apartment block around Eagle Gate. Salt Lake City, UT. | Lion House (1854-6) (63 East South Temple) built by Brigham Young for his wives & children. Salt Lake City, UT. Architect: Truman O. Angell. On National Register. | Carved lion on front of Lion House. Salt Lake City, UT. |
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Beehive House (1853-5) (67 East South Temple) built by Brigham Young as his home & office. Salt Lake City, UT. Architect: Truman O. Angell. | Beehive House for Brigham Young when he was both president of LDS church & Utah's territorial governor. Salt Lake City, UT. | Flower garden of Beehive House. Salt Lake City, UT. | Handcart Pioneer Monument to over 3,000 Mormons who walked from Iowa to Salt Lake City pulling handcarts. Salt Lake City, UT. |
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Mormon handcart pioneers depicted in bronze monument. Salt Lake City, UT. | LDS Conference Center (2000) which seats 21,000. Salt Lake City, UT. | Entrances of LDS Conference Center. Salt Lake City, UT. | Tower of LDS Conference Center. Salt Lake City, UT. |
Rotunda of North Visitors' Center. Salt Lake City, UT. |