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San Antonio Museum of Art (1981) in former Lone Star Brewery (1903). San Antonio, TX. Architect: Cambridge Seven Assoc.. On National Register. | José Francisco Ruiz house (1745) home of signer of Texas Declaration of Independence at Witte Museum. San Antonio, TX. Style: Colonial. | John Twohig house at Witte Museum (3801 Broadway). San Antonio, TX. | Celso Navarro house (1835) plus log cabin at Witte Museum. San Antonio, TX. |
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Witte Museum (1926) (3801 Broadway St.) covers cultural & natural history. San Antonio, TX. | Memorial Hall (1936) by WPA (3805 Broadway) is part of Witte Museum & once hosted Texas Pioneer, Trail Driver & Texas Ranger's Museum. San Antonio, TX. | Texas Ranger Frontier Battalion sculpture (1983) by Ricardo O. Cook at Memorial Hall of Witte Museum. San Antonio, TX. | Halff House (1904) (601 Howard St.). San Antonio, TX. Architect: C.A. Coughlin & Atlee B. Ayres. On National Register. |
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Buckhorn Bar & Museum with buffalo & longhorn heads on exterior (318 East Houston). San Antonio, TX. | McDaniel Carriage House gallery museum (1896) (130 King William) in King William district. San Antonio, TX.  | Edward Steves Homestead museum (1876) (509 King William) in King William district. San Antonio, TX. Style: Second Empire. On National Register.  | Edward Steves Homestead mansard roof detail. San Antonio, TX. |
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Edward Steves Homestead corner bracket detail. San Antonio, TX. | Building (1936) used for visitor facilities on grounds of the Alamo. San Antonio, TX.  | Mission San José y San Miguel de Aguayo (1768-82) with fine stone carvings (6539 San Jose Dr.). San Antonio, TX. On National Register.  |