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Front end of cable car. San Francisco, CA. | Cable car in Chinatown. San Francisco, CA. | Antique streetcar on Market Street. San Francisco, CA. | Part of city's streetcar collection on Market Street still with original Italian colors & markings. San Francisco, CA. |
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Antique PCC streetcar on Market Street with Pacific Electric paint scheme. San Francisco, CA. | Modern streetcar in Mission district with new Muni markings. San Francisco, CA. | Antique PCC streetcar on Market Street with old Muni paint scheme. San Francisco, CA. | Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) train. San Francisco, CA. |
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People mover train at International Airport. San Francisco, CA. | VTA Streetcar on First Street Transit Mall. San Jose, CA. | VTA Streetcar detail. San Jose, CA. | VTA Streetcar turns corner. San Jose, CA. |
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Sacramento Regional Transit streetcar. Sacramento, CA. | Sacramento Regional Transit streetcar. Sacramento, CA. | Sacramento Regional Transit streetcar. Sacramento, CA. | K Street transit mall with streetcar & Renaissance Tower. Sacramento, CA. |
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LA Metro subway train in Pershing Square station. Los Angeles, CA. | Neon (1993) artwork by Stephen Antonakos in Pershing Square station of LA Metro. Los Angeles, CA. | Front end of LA Metro train. Los Angeles, CA. | Trolley passes The Metropolitan. San Diego, CA. |
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Trolley passes Harbor Club towers. San Diego, CA. | Vaulted arch of trolley stop at One America Plaza. San Diego, CA. | Trolley rapid-transit vehicles against One America Plaza. San Diego, CA. | Trolley passes above BNSF train. CA. |
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Boston underground trains at North Station. Boston, MA. | Subway cars. Boston, MA. | Streetcars running underground. Boston, MA. | Cast-iron Copley Square subway entrance in front of Boston Public Library. Boston, MA. |
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Boston commuter train. Boston, MA. | Zakim Bunker Hill Bridge inverted Y tower & commuter train. Boston, MA. | Metro Center Station mural of scenes of Washington by G. Byron Peck (2000). Washington, DC. | Metro crossed tunnels of interchange station. Washington, DC. |
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Metro underground station. Washington, DC. | Passengers boarding Metro. Washington, DC. | Metro train in station. Washington, DC. | Metro train interior. Washington, DC. |
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Metro train front end. Washington, DC. | Arched canopy of L'Enfant Plaza Metro entrance. Washington, DC. | A Baltimore subway station. Baltimore, MD. | Artwork in the Baltimore subway. Baltimore, MD. |
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MATA Heritage streetcar (1925) acquired from Australia on McKinney Ave. Dallas, TX. | DART light rail system & highrises. Dallas, TX. | DART light rail system in downtown. Dallas, TX. | Shelters at DART transit mall Pearl Station. Dallas, TX. |
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Galveston Island Trolley car. Galveston, TX. | Galveston Island Trolley car. Galveston, TX. | Metro streetcar on Main Street Hotel Icon (1910) (12 floors) (220 Main St.) by Mauran, Russell & Crowell. Houston, TX. | Two Metro rail cars pass station on Main Street. Houston, TX. |
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Curved nose of Metro rail car. Houston, TX. | Metro transit train speeds past park. Houston, TX. | Statehouse Convention Center. Little Rock, AR. | Central Arkansas Transit streetcar. Little Rock, AR. |
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Heritage streetcar of Central Arkansas Transit. Little Rock, AR. | Modern streetcar. Strasbourg, France. | Modern streetcar. Strasbourg, France. | Passengers in modern streetcar. Strasbourg, France. |
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City of Miami Trolley 231 (1925) by J.G. Brill Co, Philadelphia, at Historical Museum of Southern Florida. Miami, FL. | Interior of Miami Trolley 231 Historical Museum of Southern Florida. Miami, FL. | Front end of Miami Trolley 231 Historical Museum of Southern Florida. Miami, FL. |