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Detail of gold dome of New Hampshire State House. Concord, NH.  | New Hampshire Historical Society Museum. Concord, NH. | Interior of dome in New Hampshire Historical Society Museum. Concord, NH. | Original eagle carving from top of State House at New Hampshire Historical Society Museum. Concord, NH. |
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Shield with ship in sunset used on NH building at the 1876 Philadelphia Centennial Exposition at New Hampshire Historical Society Museum. Concord, NH. | Maple & pine high chest (c1800) from Merrimack Valley at New Hampshire Historical Society Museum. Concord, NH. | Maple & pine chest atop chest (c1800) by Samuel Dunlap of Salisbury at New Hampshire Historical Society Museum. Concord, NH. | NH Legislative Office building in former U.S. Post Office & Court House. Concord, NH. On National Register. |
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New Hampshire State Library. Concord, NH. | Statue of John R. Hale (presidential candidate) in front of Upham Walker house. Concord, NH. On National Register. | Statue of Daniel Webster in front of St. Paul's Episcopal church. Concord, NH. | Iron gate at St. Paul's Episcopal church. Concord, NH. |
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Italianate buildings on Main Street of Concord. Concord, NH. | Concord City Hall (1902). Concord, NH. | Concord Public Library. Concord, NH. Style: Art Moderne. | Pierce Manse is open to public tours. Concord, NH.  |