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New Orleans Museum of Art with modern additions in City Park. New Orleans, LA. | New Orleans Museum of Art (1911) (City Park). New Orleans, LA. Style: Beaux Arts. | Neoclassical frieze on New Orleans Museum of Art. New Orleans, LA. | Porcelain tureen (c1740-56) by Vincennes Porcelain Manufactory of France at New Orleans Museum of Art. New Orleans, LA. |
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Meissen porcelain figure of continent of America (c1860) by Kändler at New Orleans Museum of Art. New Orleans, LA. | Meissen porcelain figure of continent of Africa (c1860) by Kändler at New Orleans Museum of Art. New Orleans, LA. | Meissen porcelain figure of continent of Asia (c1860) by Kändler at New Orleans Museum of Art. New Orleans, LA. | Swan motif coffee service (c1805-10) by P.-L. Dagoty Manufactory of Paris at New Orleans Museum of Art. New Orleans, LA. |
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Stoneware salt-glazed vase (c1885) by Susan Frackelton of Wisconsin at New Orleans Museum of Art. New Orleans, LA. | Earthenware vase in Nasturtium design (c1900) by J.B. Owens Pottery of Zanesville, Ohio at New Orleans Museum of Art. New Orleans, LA. | Earthenware four-handled vase in Eocean design (c1905) by Lillian B. Mitchell of Weller Pottery of Zanesville, Ohio at New Orleans Museum of Art. New Orleans, LA. | Blue crab vase (1903) by Mary Williams Butler of Newcomb College of New Orleans at New Orleans Museum of Art. New Orleans, LA. |
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Yucca tree vase (1906) by Marie de Hoa Leblanc & Joseph Fortuné Meyer of Newcomb College of New Orleans at New Orleans Museum of Art. New Orleans, LA. | Loving cup (1908) by Marie de Hoa Leblanc & Joseph Fortuné Meyer of Newcomb College of New Orleans at New Orleans Museum of Art. New Orleans, LA. | Mold-blown pitcher (c1884) by Mount Washington Glass Company of New Bedford, MA, at New Orleans Museum of Art. New Orleans, LA. | Vase painted with fish (c1885) by Thomas Webb & Sons of Stourbridge, England, at New Orleans Museum of Art. New Orleans, LA. |
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Jug (1885) made for World's Cotton Exposition by Boston & Sandwich Glass Co. of Sandwich, MA, at New Orleans Museum of Art. New Orleans, LA. | Flower globe (c1893) made for World's Columbian Exposition by Mount Washington Glass Company of New Bedford, MA, at New Orleans Museum of Art. New Orleans, LA. | Favrile glass vase (c1902-10) by Louis Comfort Tiffany of Long Island, NY, at New Orleans Museum of Art. New Orleans, LA. | Trumpet vase (c1910-15) by Louis Comfort Tiffany of Long Island, NY, at New Orleans Museum of Art. New Orleans, LA. |
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Aurene vase (c1905-10) by Frederick Carder of Steuben Glass of Corning, NY, at New Orleans Museum of Art. New Orleans, LA. | Spider web tracing vase (c1920-25) by Vinland Flint Glassworks of Vineland, NJ, at New Orleans Museum of Art. New Orleans, LA. | Early American furniture & decorative arts in Kuntz rooms of New Orleans Museum of Art. New Orleans, LA. | Painting of Battle of New Orleans (c1815) by Jean Hyacinthe Laclotte at New Orleans Museum of Art. New Orleans, LA. |
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Painting of Mrs. William Harrison (c1890) by Mary Cassatt at New Orleans Museum of Art. New Orleans, LA. | Painting of Persons in the Presence of a Metamorphosis (1936) by Joan Miró at New Orleans Museum of Art. New Orleans, LA. | Love Potion painting (1951) by René Magritte at New Orleans Museum of Art. New Orleans, LA. | Bronze chariot fitting with Kui dragons (1027-771 BCE) from Early Western Zhou Dynasty of China at New Orleans Museum of Art. New Orleans, LA. |
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Porcelain vase with parrot (c1745) from Qing Dynasty of China at New Orleans Museum of Art. New Orleans, LA. | Stoneware Mingei jar (c1935) by Kawai Kanjiro of Japan at New Orleans Museum of Art. New Orleans, LA. | Silk Hangire (early 19thC) from Japan at New Orleans Museum of Art. New Orleans, LA. | Silk No Robe (c1840) from Japan at New Orleans Museum of Art. New Orleans, LA. |
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Panjurli (boar's head) mask (18thC) from Karnataka, India, at New Orleans Museum of Art. New Orleans, LA. | Buffalo head mask (19thC) from Karnataka, India, at New Orleans Museum of Art. New Orleans, LA. | Asmat body masks & shield (1990s) from Papua, Indonesia, at New Orleans Museum of Art. New Orleans, LA. | Asmat body masks & shield (1990s) from Papua, Indonesia, at New Orleans Museum of Art. New Orleans, LA. |
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Melanesian totems & slit gong from Vanuatu at New Orleans Museum of Art. New Orleans, LA. | Detail of Abyssinian Christian talismanic scroll (18thC) from Ethiopia worn to protect from evil or heal at New Orleans Museum of Art. New Orleans, LA. | Carved Tabwa peoples helmet mask from Democratic Republic of Congo at New Orleans Museum of Art. New Orleans, LA. | Carved Pende peoples helmet mask from Democratic Republic of Congo at New Orleans Museum of Art. New Orleans, LA. |
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Edo peoples iron head (18thC) from Benin Kingdom, Nigeria, at New Orleans Museum of Art. New Orleans, LA. | Sokoto peoples terracotta head (300 BCE-400 CE) from Nigeria, at New Orleans Museum of Art. New Orleans, LA. | Yoruba peoples carved palace door panel (early 20thC) from Nigeria, at New Orleans Museum of Art. New Orleans, LA. | Luo peoples earthenware storage jar from Sudan or Uganda, at New Orleans Museum of Art. New Orleans, LA. |
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Akan peoples gold sun mask from Ashanti Kingdom, Ghana, at New Orleans Museum of Art. New Orleans, LA. | Colima culture terracotta pumpkin vessel with parrot feet (300 BCE-600 CE) from western Mexico, at New Orleans Museum of Art. New Orleans, LA. | Maya culture terracotta lidded bowl with water bird fishing (200-600) from Campeche, Mexico, at New Orleans Museum of Art. New Orleans, LA. | Huastec culture terracotta vessel in form of animal (900-1200) from Mexico, at New Orleans Museum of Art. New Orleans, LA. |
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Maya culture terracotta beaker with dancing death figures (600-900) from Guatemala at New Orleans Museum of Art. New Orleans, LA. | Moche terracotta stirrup vessel in form of frog (100-200) from North Coast of Peru at New Orleans Museum of Art. New Orleans, LA. | Moche terracotta stirrup vessel in form of llama (100-200) from North Coast of Peru at New Orleans Museum of Art. New Orleans, LA. | Moche terracotta stirrup vessel in form of water fowl (100-200) from North Coast of Peru at New Orleans Museum of Art. New Orleans, LA. |
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Gold pendant with clawed creature (700-1400) from Guanecoste Region of Costa Rica at New Orleans Museum of Art. New Orleans, LA. | Gold pendant of man with headdress (700-1400) from Guanecoste Region of Costa Rica at New Orleans Museum of Art. New Orleans, LA. | Gold pendant of animal with three heads (700-1400) from Guanecoste Region of Costa Rica at New Orleans Museum of Art. New Orleans, LA. | Bella Coola headdress bird of prey mask (late 19thC) from British Columbia, Canada, at New Orleans Museum of Art. New Orleans, LA. |
Bella Coola headdress bird of prey mask (late 19thC) from British Columbia, Canada, at New Orleans Museum of Art. New Orleans, LA. |