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Lamp details of 1000 Wilshire Building. Los Angeles, CA. | Lamp stand of downtown Los Angeles. Los Angeles, CA. | Dual lamp stand of downtown Los Angeles. Los Angeles, CA. | Gamble house oriental-type lamp typical of Greene & Greene houses. Pasadena, CA. |
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Lampstand outside Market Center building on 17th Street. Denver, CO. | Brass & glass lampshade at Byers-Evans House. Denver, CO. | Art Deco lamp outside Tides Hotel. Miami Beach, FL. | Art Deco lamp & railing of Sherbrooke Hotel. Miami Beach, FL. |
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Art Deco lamp hangs from dome in Jewish Museum of Florida. Miami Beach, FL. | Jewish symbols on stained-glass windows flank Art Deco lamp in Jewish Museum of Florida. Miami Beach, FL. | Egyptian-style ceiling lamp in washroom of Fox Theatre. Atlanta, GA. | Plastic lamp in Fox Theatre. Atlanta, GA. |
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Egyptian-style lamp in Fox Theatre. Atlanta, GA. | Lamps on Harold Washington Library Center. Chicago, IL. | Lamp in House chamber of Louisiana State Capitol. Baton Rouge, LA. | Bronze lamp in Memorial Hall of Louisiana State Capitol. Baton Rouge, LA. |
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Lamp standards of State Capital Annex topped with pelicans. Baton Rouge, LA. | Cast iron lamp of American National Bank building. Kalamazoo, MI. | Lampstand at Michigan State Capitol. Lansing, MI. | Lamp globe on Mississippi State Capitol. Jackson, MS. |
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Newel post & lamp standard in Montana State Capitol. Helena, MT. | Art Deco lamp of Redick Plaza Hotel. Omaha, NE. | Lamp in Unicameral chamber Nebraska State Capitol. Lincoln, NE. | Umbrella-like lamps in Wynn Las Vegas. Las Vegas, NV. |
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Umbrella lamps in Wynn Las Vegas. Las Vegas, NV. | Umbrella lamps in Wynn Las Vegas. Las Vegas, NV. | Lamps in shopping arcade at Wynn Las Vegas. Las Vegas, NV. | Lamp of Assembly chamber in New York State Capitol. Albany, NY. |
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Art Deco lamp in New York State Capitol. Albany, NY. | Lamp & Terra-cotta detail of Guaranty / Prudential Building. Buffalo, NY. | Lamp fixture in Guaranty / Prudential Building. Buffalo, NY. | Art Deco lamp on Metropolitan Life North building. New York, NY. |
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Hanging Lotus Lamp (1905) by Louis Comfort Tiffany at MoMA. New York, NY. | Modern retro lamps in lobby of State Capitol. Columbus, OH. | Art Deco lamp support on Carew Tower. Cincinnati, OH. | Art Deco lamp on Carew Tower. Cincinnati, OH. |
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Art Deco windows & lamps of Carew Tower. Cincinnati, OH. | Art Deco lamp on Carew Tower. Cincinnati, OH. | Hexagonal Art Deco lamp on First National Center. Oklahoma City, OK. | Art deco lamp of Oklahoma County Courthouse. Oklahoma City, OK. |
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Interior lamp & stairway of Boston Avenue Methodist Church. Tulsa, OK. | Interior lamp of Boston Avenue Methodist Church. Tulsa, OK. | JPMorgan Chase Building lamp in doorway. Houston, TX. | Art Deco lamp fixture of former Union Pacific Cheyenne depot. Cheyenne, WY. |