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The First African Baptist Church (1859) on Franklin Square. Savannah, GA. | The First African Baptist Church entrance. Savannah, GA. | Christ Episcopal Church on Johnson Square. Savannah, GA. | Independent Presbyterian Church (1891) between Wright & Chippewa Squares. Savannah, GA. Architect: William Gibbons Preston. |
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Steeple of Independent Presbyterian Church where Woodrow Wilson was married. Savannah, GA. | Lutheran Church of the Ascension (1843) on Wright Square. Savannah, GA. | Lutheran Church of the Ascension spire. Savannah, GA. | First Baptist Church (1833 with modifications to front in 1922). Savannah, GA. Style: Greek Revival. Architect: Elias Carter. |
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St John's Episcopal Church (1850) on Madison Square. Savannah, GA. Style: Gothic Revival. Architect: Calvin Otis. | Cathedral of St. John the Baptist (1872-6 then 1898-1900) on Lafayette Square. Savannah, GA. Architect: Baldwin & Price. | Cathedral of St. John the Baptist against sky. Savannah, GA. | Spires of Cathedral of St. John the Baptist. Savannah, GA. |
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Interior of Cathedral of St. John the Baptist. Savannah, GA. | Ceiling of Cathedral of St. John the Baptist. Savannah, GA. | St Patrick stained glass window in Cathedral of St John the Baptist. Savannah, GA. | St Michael slaying dragon stained glass window in Cathedral of St John the Baptist. Savannah, GA. |
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Mickve Israel Synagogue on Monterey Square (1878) for a congregation which arrived 1733. Savannah, GA. Style: Gothic Revival. Architect: Henry Harrison. On National Register. | Facade of Mickve Israel Synagogue. Savannah, GA. | Wesley Monumental Methodist Church on Calhoun Square. Savannah, GA. |