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Skyline of Miami with One Miami, Intercontinental, Citigroup, Wachovia, One Biscayne, Sun Trust & New World Towers. Miami, FL. | One Miami towers (2005) by Arquitectonica & Intercontinental buildings. Miami, FL. | View of canal with Wachovia Financial Center & Citigroup building. Miami, FL. | One Biscayne Tower (1973) (2 South Biscayne Blvd.) (39 floors). Miami, FL. Architect: Praga Assoc., Gutierrez-Latimer C.S.P.. |
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Freedom Tower & American Airlines Arena. Miami, FL. | American Airlines Arena (1999). Miami, FL. Architect: Arquitectonica. | American Airlines Arena entrance. Miami, FL. | Road to Port of Miami as it passes American Airlines Arena. Miami, FL. |
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Pineapple topped entertainment spot at American Airlines Arena. Miami, FL. | American Airlines Arena seen beyond boats docked along Bayside Market. Miami, FL. | Miami skyline with American Airlines Arena & County Courthouse. Miami, FL. | Bayside Market. Miami, FL. |
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Island Lady sightseeing boat at Bayside Market. Miami, FL. | Bayside Market shop architecture. Miami, FL. | Bayside Market building over waterfront walkway. Miami, FL. | Restaurant at Bayside Market. Miami, FL. |
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Hard Rock Café at Bayside Market. Miami, FL. | Road & railroad lift bridges to Port of Miami. Miami, FL. | Horizon's Edge Casino Cruise Boat moored at Bayfront Park. Miami, FL. | Boats moored a pleasure harbor at Bayfront Park. Miami, FL. |
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Boats moored a pleasure harbor at Bayfront Park. Miami, FL. | Majesty of the Seas cruise ship against skyline of Miami. Miami, FL. | Bow of Majesty of the Seas cruise ship against skyline of Miami. Miami, FL. | Majesty of the Seas stack & observation decks. Miami, FL. |
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Fascination cruise ship in port. Miami, FL. | Venetian Way bridge over Biscayne Bay. Miami, FL. | Cranes of port of Miami container docks. Miami, FL. | Cranes of port of Miami container docks with Miami Beach beyond. Miami, FL. |
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John F. Kennedy Memorial in Bayfront Park. Miami, FL. | Statue of Juan Ponce de Leon, explorer of Florida, in Bayfront Park. Miami, FL. | Statue of Simon Bolivar, liberator of South America, in Bayfront Park. Miami, FL. | Channel leading from Biscayne Bay to Miami River Wachovia Tower & other skyscrapers. Miami, FL. |
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Brickell Key with highrise residences. Miami, FL. | Highrise condos on Brickell Key. Miami, FL. | Courvoisier complex on Brickell Key. Miami, FL. | Tequesta Point on Brickell Key. Miami, FL. |
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Apartments facing Biscayne Bay from Brickell Bay Drive. Miami, FL. | Rickenbacker Causeway over Biscayne Bay. Miami, FL. | Pair of condos on Biscayne Island. Miami, FL. | Condo buildings line Biscayne Bay beyond Vizcaya waterfront. Miami, FL. |
Blue highrise condo near Vizcaya Museum & Gardens. Miami, FL. |