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Illinois Firefighter Memorial (1999) by Neil Broden at State Capitol. Springfield, IL. | New York State Fallen Fire-fighters Memorial (1998) on Empire Plaza. Albany, NY. | Chicago Fire Department memorial beside Union Stockyards Gate. Chicago, IL. | Chicago Fire Department memorial beside Union Stockyards Gate. Chicago, IL. |
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Vendome Memorial to fallen firefighters (1997) by Ted Clausen & Peter White on Commonwealth Ave. Mall at Dartmouth St. Boston, MA. | Firefighter's 1972-era coat & helmet on memorial to nine firemen killed in Vendome Hotel fire. Boston, MA. | 9/11 Memorial at New York Fire Museum. New York, NY. | Ohio Police & Fire Memorial Park beside Central Presbyterian Church. Columbus, OH. |
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Polished brass fireplug as memorial to firefighters who died on 9/11 in front of Fire Station. Oceanside, CA. | Relief of industry rebuilding Chicago after the great fire of 1871 on Michigan Avenue Bridge. Chicago, IL. | Fireplug painted like Dalmatian dog. Owatonna, MN. | San Francisco Fire Department helmet (c1905) from great earthquake displayed in California State Capitol. Sacramento, CA. |
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Oakland Fire Department silver ceremonial presentation trumpet (1880) at Oakland Museum of California. Oakland, CA. | Fire fighting speaking horn (1872) at National Museum of American History. Washington, DC. | Antique fire helmet & horn (1860s-70s) at Buffalo History Museum (BECHS). Buffalo, NY. | Hand-carved fire chief yelling orders through fire trumpet (c1865) from Rutgers, NY at FASNY Museum of Firefighting. Hudson, NY. |
Carved fire helmet, trumpet & hose on Steam Engine Company No. 2. Louisville, KY. On National Register. |