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Eastern Columbia Building (1929) (13 floors) (849 South Broadway) with turquoise terra-cotta. Los Angeles, CA. Style: Art Deco. Architect: Claude Beelman. | Art Deco top of Eastern Columbia Building. Los Angeles, CA. | Art Deco panels of Eastern Columbia Building. Los Angeles, CA. | Art Deco detail of Eastern Columbia Building. Los Angeles, CA. |
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Sunburst over main door of Eastern Columbia Building. Los Angeles, CA. | Portal sunburst of Eastern Columbia Building. Los Angeles, CA. | Art Deco panel detail of Eastern Columbia Building. Los Angeles, CA. | Eastern Columbia plus 9th & Broadway Buildings. Los Angeles, CA. |
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Metalwork over portal of 9th & Broadway Building (1929) (13 floors) (850 South Broadway). Los Angeles, CA. Style: Art Deco. Architect: Claude Beelman. | Art Deco entrance of 9th & Broadway Building. Los Angeles, CA. | Window detail of 9th & Broadway Building. Los Angeles, CA. | Art Deco panel detail of 9th & Broadway Building. Los Angeles, CA. |
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Terra-cotta panel on 9th & Broadway Building. Los Angeles, CA. | Garfield Building (1928-30) (13 floors) (403 West 8th St.). Los Angeles, CA. Style: Art Deco. Architect: Claude Beelman. On National Register. | 818 Plaza (1925) (12 floors) (818 West 7th St.) (former Barker Brothers building). Los Angeles, CA. Architect: Curlett & Beelman. | Culver Hotel (1924) (9400 Culver Blvd.). Culver City, CA. Style: Italianate. Architect: Alex Curlett & Claude Beelman. |