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Geisel Library (1970) at University of California at San Diego (UCSD). La Jolla, CA. Architect: William L. Pereira. | Support structure details of Geisel Library at UCSD. La Jolla, CA. | Sculpted windows of Geisel Library at UCSD. La Jolla, CA. | Cantilevered supports of Geisel Library at UCSD. La Jolla, CA. |
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Theodor Seuss Geisel memorial sculpture with Dr Seuss & the Cat in the Hat by Lark Gray Dimond-Cates at UCSD. La Jolla, CA. | Dr Seuss & the Cat in the Hat detail of Theodor Seuss Geisel memorial. La Jolla, CA. | Snake path (1992) a sculpted walkway by Alexis Smith leading down from the Geisel Library at UCSD. La Jolla, CA. | Price Center Plaza (1990). La Jolla, CA. Architect: Kaplan McLaughlin Diaz. |
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Price Center Plaza patio. La Jolla, CA. | Price Center window detail. La Jolla, CA. | Jacobs School of Engineering building I (1990) at UCSD. La Jolla, CA. Architect: Buss, Silvers, Hughes. | Jacobs School of Engineering building I detail. La Jolla, CA. |
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Jacobs School of Engineering building I & Powell-Focht Bioengineering Hall. La Jolla, CA. | Jacobs School of Engineering Powell-Focht Bioengineering Hall (1998). La Jolla, CA. | Center Hall at UCSD. La Jolla, CA. | Center Hall at UCSD. La Jolla, CA. |
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Sun God (1983) by Niki de Saint Phalle at UCSD. La Jolla, CA. | Applied Physics & Mathematics Building (1969) at Muir College UCSD. La Jolla, CA. Architect: Mosher Drew. | Bonner Hall (1967) at Revelle College UCSD. La Jolla, CA. | Galbraith Hall (1965) at Revelle College UCSD. La Jolla, CA. Architect: Deems Martin. |
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Scripps Institution of Oceanography pier at UCSD from the sea. La Jolla, CA. | Scripps Institution of Oceanography pier at UCSD. La Jolla, CA. | Scripps Institution of Oceanography Vaughn Hall at UCSD. La Jolla, CA. | Salk Institute (1965) is celebrated example of modern architecture. La Jolla, CA. Architect: Louis Kahn.  |