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David Wright House (1952) (5212 Exeter Blvd). Phoenix, AZ. Architect: Frank Lloyd Wright. | Frank Lloyd Wright built house for son David Wright. Phoenix, AZ. | H.C. Price residence & desert mansion on hill above on N Tatum Blvd. Paradise Valley, AZ. | H.C. Price residence (1954) (7211 N Tatum Blvd). Paradise Valley, AZ. Architect: Frank Lloyd Wright. |
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Ascension Lutheran Church (1964) (7100 N Mockingbird Lane). Paradise Valley, AZ. Architect: Frank Lloyd Wright foundation. | Wing of Taliesin West containing design studios of F.L. Wright Foundation. Scottsdale, AZ.  | Unique wooden roof beams of Taliesin West. Scottsdale, AZ. | When Frank Lloyd Wright started Taliesin West in 1938 water had to be trucked desert location to make concrete. Scottsdale, AZ. |
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Garden of F.L. Wright's Taliesin West. Scottsdale, AZ. | Wright's bell tower for Taliesin West. Scottsdale, AZ. | Living room interior of F.L. Wright's Taliesin West. Scottsdale, AZ. | Internal living room stone wall of Taliesin West. Scottsdale, AZ. |
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Built-in overhead lighting in living room at Taliesin West. Scottsdale, AZ. | Dining room of Taliesin West. Scottsdale, AZ. | Theater at Taliesin West. Scottsdale, AZ. | Small enclosed garden with sculpture through office windows at Taliesin West. Scottsdale, AZ. |
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Arizona Biltmore Hotel (1928) (24th St. & Missouri). Phoenix, AZ. Architect: Albert Chase McArthur helped by his teacher, Frank Lloyd Wright.  | Lobby of Arizona Biltmore Hotel. Phoenix, AZ. | Detail of stained glass window by Frank Lloyd Wright in Arizona Biltmore Hotel. Phoenix, AZ. | Detail of one pattern of textured concrete textile block system invented by Frank Lloyd Wright at Arizona Biltmore Hotel. Phoenix, AZ. |
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Bell tower of First Christian Church. Phoenix, AZ.  | Roof & bell tower of First Christian Church designed by foundation which carries on work of Frank Lloyd Wright. Phoenix, AZ. | Stained glass of First Christian Church. Phoenix, AZ. | Rock alter of First Christian Church. Phoenix, AZ. |
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Grady Gammage Auditorium (1964) (Arizona State University). Tempe, AZ. Architect: Frank Lloyd Wright.  | Grady Gammage Auditorium details of Frank Lloyd Wright's main portal. Tempe, AZ. | Grady Gammage Auditorium details of Frank Lloyd Wright's globe lamps. Tempe, AZ. | Grady Gammage Auditorium buttress added to Wright's structure (c1990s) to expand performance area. Tempe, AZ. |
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Music Building (1971) (Arizona State University). Tempe, AZ. Architect: Frank Lloyd Wright foundation.  | ASU Music Building facade details in Wright style. Tempe, AZ. | ASU Music Building overview. Tempe, AZ. | ASU Music Building facade details in Wright style. Tempe, AZ. |