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Pair of owls on Sterling Law Building. New Haven, CT. | History of writing relief showing Arabic, ancient Greek, Chinese & Mayan glyphs carved above portal of Sterling Memorial Library. New Haven, CT. | Owl-shaped Zun (13th-11thC BCE) at Yale Art Gallery. New Haven, CT. | Sculpture of Owl by Leonard Baskin at Smith College. Northampton, MA. |
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Face of Owl sculpture by Leonard Baskin at Smith College. Northampton, MA. | University of Texas Battle Hall tiles with owl. Austin, TX. | University of Texas Battle Hall soffit carvings with owls. Austin, TX. | University of Texas Union Building Arts & Sciences relief with owl, longhorn, jackrabbit, rattlesnake, cactus & other creatures. Austin, TX. |
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Owl from float at Mobile Carnival Museum. Mobile, AL. | Opulent Owl sculpture (2006) by Steve Kestrel at Leanin' Tree Museum. Boulder, CO. | Owl carving on lamp column on Academy of Arts, Athens. Greece. | Stylized flame with sculpted owl on Harold Washington Library Center. Chicago, IL. |
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Owl over hourglass design in House chamber of Minnesota State Capitol. St. Paul, MN. | Sculpted owl by H.H. Kenfield n Petrified Wood Gallery. Ogallala, NE. | Shelf clock with carved owls by Wm. L. Gilbert Clock Co., Winsted, Conn. at Lincoln County Historical Museum. North Platte, NE. | Law & justice & Old Testament story of good & evil by tree of life with owl on Alexander Hall on Princeton campus. Princeton, NJ. |