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Home Sweet Home Museum (1823) (14 James Lane) dedicated to John Howard Payne, composer of "Home Sweet Home". East Hampton, NY. Style: Salt Box.  | Garden view of Home Sweet Home Museum, trellis & gardens. East Hampton, NY. | Mulford Farm (c1680) (James Lane) built for Capt. Josiah Hobart & later home of Mulford family (1711-1948). East Hampton, NY. | Mulford Farm saltbox style with bare wood siding. East Hampton, NY. |
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Mulford farm barn. East Hampton, NY. | St Luke's Episcopal Church (1909) & Medieval Revival rectory (on James Lane). East Hampton, NY. | St Luke's Episcopal Church gothic facade. East Hampton, NY. | St Luke's Episcopal Church & gardens. East Hampton, NY. Architect: Thomas Nash. |
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Town Pond. East Hampton, NY. | South End Burying Grounds part of 1648 village green. East Hampton, NY. | South End Burying Grounds with gravestones dating from 1600's. East Hampton, NY. | Mill Cottage (1887) (Maidstone & James Lanes) used by miller tending the Gardiner Windmill. East Hampton, NY. |
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Burying Ground tombstones, Mill Cottage & Gardiner Windmill (James Lane). East Hampton, NY. | Gardiner Windmill (1804) built by Nathaniel Dominy V which operated until about 1900. East Hampton, NY. | Gardiner Cottage (James Lane). East Hampton, NY. Style: Cape Cod. | South End Burying Grounds. East Hampton, NY. |
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Old tombstone (1756) in South End Burying Grounds. East Hampton, NY. | Old tombstone with winged face (1753) in South End Burying Grounds. East Hampton, NY. | Detail of design on old tombstone in South End Burying Grounds. East Hampton, NY. | Grave marker of woman who died in 1752 in South End Burying Grounds. East Hampton, NY. |
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Three grave markers in form of Celtic crosses in South End Burying Grounds. East Hampton, NY. | View of old tombstones in South End Burying Grounds. East Hampton, NY. | Tomb (1886) in memory of Lion Gardiner (1599-1663) founder of the first English settlement in what became the State of New York. East Hampton, NY. Architect: James Renwick Jr.. | Jeremiah Osborn House (18thC) remodeled in the Colonial Revival style (1906). East Hampton, NY. |
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James Harper Poor House (1911) (Main St.) with 18thC farmhouse core sports half-timbering & small-paned casement windows. East Hampton, NY. Style: Medieval Revival. Architect: Joseph Greenleaf Thorp. | Clinton Academy (101 Main St.) opened for classes in 1784, the oldest academic institution in New York State, was named for George Clinton, first Governor of NY. East Hampton, NY. | Clinton Academy main entrance & bell tower. East Hampton, NY. | Brick ends of wooden Clinton Academy. East Hampton, NY. |
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Hook School (c1785) actual function unknown behind Clinton Academy. East Hampton, NY. | Interior of Hook School classroom. East Hampton, NY. | Mimi Meehan Native Plant Garden (101 Main St.) maintained by The Garden Club of East Hampton. East Hampton, NY. | Mimi Meehan Native Plant Garden. East Hampton, NY. |
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Jonathan Dayton House (18thC) (Main St.). East Hampton, NY. Style: Georgian. | Osborne Office (18thC) (Main St.). East Hampton, NY. | Sarah Diodati Gardiner House (1939) (Main St.). East Hampton, NY. Style: Spanish Romanesque. | James Arrowsmith House (1872) (Main St.). East Hampton, NY. Style: Italianate. |
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James Arrowsmith House with lacework front porch. East Hampton, NY. | Samuel G. Mulford House (c1800) (146 Main St.) aka "single house" since only one room wide. East Hampton, NY. | James Arrowsmith & Samuel G. Mulford Houses form Main Streetscape. East Hampton, NY. | Georgian style house (140 Main St.). East Hampton, NY. |
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Sherrill House (1800) (128 Main St.). East Hampton, NY. | Federal doorway of Sherrill House. East Hampton, NY. | First Presbyterian Church of East Hampton (1861) (Main St.) remodeled to Colonial Revival style (1960). East Hampton, NY. | First Presbyterian Church of East Hampton Colonial Revival style portico, clock tower & spire. East Hampton, NY. |
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David Huntting House (c1800) (102 Main St.) with dormer windows & porch added (1923). East Hampton, NY. | Jonathan Osborn House (aka Osborn-Jackson House) (c1731) (101 Main St.) subsequently expanded. East Hampton, NY. | Jonathan Osborn House (aka Osborn-Jackson House) (c1731) (101 Main St.) subsequently expanded. East Hampton, NY. | Col. Abraham Gardiner House (1747) (Main St.) occupied by British troops during American Revolution & now home to Ladies' Village Improvement Society. East Hampton, NY. |
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White's Apothecary (Main St.). East Hampton, NY. | East Hampton Village Hall (36 Main St.) former home of Rev. Lyman Beecher, minister of First Presbyterian Church of East Hampton, & father of Harriet Beecher Stowe, author of "Uncle Tom's Cabin". East Hampton, NY. | Hedges Inn (1774) (James Lane) addition of two upper stories (1873) to transform into a boarding house. East Hampton, NY. | Move next to church? St. Luke's Rectory (James Lane). East Hampton, NY. Style: Medieval Revival. |
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Hook Mill (1806) built by Nathaniel Dominy V. East Hampton, NY. | Outdoor eating at Bostwicks Chowder House. East Hampton, NY. | Fish & lobster sign at Bostwicks Chowder House. East Hampton, NY. |