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Aline Barnsdall "Hollyhock" House (1918-20) (4800 Hollywood Blvd.). Los Angeles, CA. Style: Mayan Revival. Architect: Frank Lloyd Wright. On National Register. | Breezeway leading to Wright's Hollyhock House. Los Angeles, CA. | Garage attached to Wright's Hollyhock House. Los Angeles, CA. | Wall opposite Wright's Hollyhock House. Los Angeles, CA. |
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Municipal Art Gallery (1971) (in Barnsdall Park). Los Angeles, CA. Architect: Wehmueller & Stephns. | Sculpture by Peter Shire at Municipal Art Gallery in Barnsdall Park. Los Angeles, CA. | Arts & Crafts Building (c1919) (1st house of Aline Barnsdall) in Barnsdall Park. Los Angeles, CA. Architect: Rudolf Schindler & Frank Lloyd Wright. | Prairie-style lines & roof of Arts & Crafts Building. Los Angeles, CA. |
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Front entrance of Arts & Crafts Building. Los Angeles, CA. | Projecting window of Arts & Crafts Building. Los Angeles, CA. | View of Hollywood sign & Griffith Park Observatory from Barnsdall Park. Los Angeles, CA. | View over Hollywood sign & Griffith Park Observatory from Barnsdall Park. Los Angeles, CA. |
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Outdoor lamp fixture at Barnsdall Park, site of Hollyhock House. Los Angeles, CA. | Overview of Storer House & driveway. Los Angeles, CA. | Storer House (1923) (8161 Hollywood Blvd.). Los Angeles, CA. Architect: Frank Lloyd Wright. On National Register. | Windows of Storer House. Los Angeles, CA. |
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Address plaque of Storer House. Los Angeles, CA. | Details of Wright's cement blocks for Storer House. Los Angeles, CA. | Millard house (1923) (645 Prospect Cres.). Pasadena, CA. Style: Textile Block. Architect: Frank Lloyd Wright. On National Register. | Millard house, first F.L. Wright textile block construction. Pasadena, CA. |
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Knit-block design by Wright on Ennis House. Los Angeles, CA. | Ennis House (1924) (2607 Glendower Ave.). Los Angeles, CA. Architect: Frank Lloyd Wright. | Ennis House concrete block pattern. Los Angeles, CA. | Crumbling concrete blocks around windows of Ennis House. Los Angeles, CA. |
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Wright's design for concrete blocks of Ennis House. Los Angeles, CA. | Open blocks on Ennis House. Los Angeles, CA. | Samuel Freeman House (1924) (1962 Glencoe Way). Hollywood, CA. Architect: Frank Lloyd Wright. On National Register. | Breezeway of Freeman House. Hollywood, CA. |
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Details of Wright's cement blocks for Freeman House. Hollywood, CA. | Details of Wright's cement blocks for Freeman House. Hollywood, CA. | Details of Wright's cement blocks for Freeman House. Hollywood, CA. | Anderton Court (1953) (328 Rodeo Dr.). Beverly Hills, CA. Architect: Frank Lloyd Wright. On National Register.  |
Tower of Anderton Court. Beverly Hills, CA. |