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Marin County Civic Center tower. Marin, CA. | Marin County Civic Center tower detail. Marin, CA. | Marin County Civic Center building & tower. Marin, CA. | Marin County Civic Center (1957-72). Marin, CA. Architect: Frank Lloyd Wright. |
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Marin County Civic Center detail of arched rhythm. Marin, CA. | Marin County Civic Center roof pattern. Marin, CA. | Marin County Civic Center skylight & roof. Marin, CA. | Marin County Civic Center skylight & palm. Marin, CA. |
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Marin County Civic Center patio & pool area. Marin, CA. | Marin County Civic Center pool with rainbow. Marin, CA. | Marin County Civic Center rounded ends with glass doors. Marin, CA. | Marin County Civic Center overhang with arches. Marin, CA. |
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Marin County Civic Center building wall details. Marin, CA. | Marin County Civic Center exterior detail. Marin, CA. | Marin County Civic Center porthole railing detail. Marin, CA. | Marin County Civic Center building from below. Marin, CA. |
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Marin County Civic Center building arches over roadway. Marin, CA. | Marin County Civic Center interior galleries. Marin, CA. | Marin County Civic Center Wrightian gate. Marin, CA. | Marin County Civic Center dome & tower. Marin, CA. |
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Frank Lloyd Wright building or Xanadu Gallery (former V.C. Morris store) (1949) (140 Maiden Lane). San Francisco, CA. Architect: Frank Lloyd Wright. | Arched portal of Frank Lloyd Wright building. San Francisco, CA. | Ramps above entrance of Frank Lloyd Wright building. San Francisco, CA. | Ramps & skylights of Frank Lloyd Wright building. San Francisco, CA. |
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Hanging planter & skylight of Frank Lloyd Wright building. San Francisco, CA. | Skylight details of Frank Lloyd Wright building. San Francisco, CA. | Looking through hole in partitions of Frank Lloyd Wright building. San Francisco, CA. | Built-in drawer units of Frank Lloyd Wright building. San Francisco, CA. |
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Looking down at entrance archway & ramps of Frank Lloyd Wright building. San Francisco, CA. | Center for the Performing Arts (1972). San Jose, CA. Architect: Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, William Wesley Peters, Aaron Green. | Center for the Performing Arts entry. San Jose, CA. | Center for the Performing Arts window details. San Jose, CA. |
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Hanna-Honeycomb House (1937) (737 Frenchman's Road). Palo Alto, CA. Architect: Frank Lloyd Wright. On National Register. | Hanna-Honeycomb House window detail. Palo Alto, CA. | Hanna-Honeycomb House. Palo Alto, CA. |