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West Virginia State Museum Cultural Center (1976) (on State Capitol complex grounds). Charleston, WV. | Chandelier at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. | State Seal installed in U.S. House of Representatives between 1867 & 1949 at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. | Flag of West Virginia at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. |
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Flag of West Virginia at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. | Graphic of previous 1885 State Capitol (c1915) at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. | Eagle plaster cast (1885) from first State Capitol at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. | Telescope used (1740s-70s) by George Washington to survey his & other lands in present Eastern Panhandle at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. |
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Pocket compass (mid 1700's) & surveyor's paint box (c1800's) at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. | Native peoples painted (1882) at Wheeling by J.A. Faris at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. | Interior of settlers' cabin at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. | Corner cupboard with ceramic plates in settlers' cabin at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. |
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Swiveling card table (1810) , Windsor side chair (c1840) plus ceramics at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. | Sideboard in settlers' cabin at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. | Graphic of Harpers Ferry, VA (May 1863) at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. | B&O dining car dinner plate (1950) with Harpers Ferry Scene at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. |
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John Brown painting (1882) by Selden Woodman at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. | John Brown in Charles Town jail cell with J.E.B. Stuart & Governor Henry Wise painted by H. Webb Keedy for 1904 World's Fair based on sketch (1859) by Alfred Berghaus at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. | Short bladed pike used at John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry (1859) at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. | Sword & scabbard of John Brown made in Germany (1836) at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. |
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Noose allegedly used in John Brown's hanging at Charles Town (1859) at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. | Study for Lincoln Walks at Midnight statue in front of State Capitol at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. | Original statue of Lincoln Walks at Midnight by sculptor Fred Torrey, displayed at New York World's Fair in 1939 at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. | Flag of The Confederate Logan Wildcats (later part of 36th Virginia Infantry) made by Lizzie & Susan Pillinger, Jane & Valire Morgan, Mary Casebolt & Harriet Avis at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. |
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Flag (1865) commemorating battles fought by 1st WV Veteran Infantry (USA) at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. | Drum played by Pvt. George Huddleston, drum major of 22nd VA Infantry Company G (CSA) during Civil War at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. | Medicine Chest abandoned (1865) by Confederate Battery at Petersburg, VA at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. | Hat worn by Pvt. George Huddleston while serving in the 22nd VA Infantry (CSA) at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. |
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Soldiers Memorial plaque with Civil War artifacts at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. | Soldiers Memorial plaque of 12th Regiment Company H Virginia Volunteers at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. | Harper's Weekly graphic (Aug 1877) of The Great Strike-Blockade of Engines at Martinsburg VA at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. | Lamp globe (c1900) honoring the Fraternal Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers C&O Railway at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. |
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Mine cart at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. | Box to transport nitroglycerin into mines at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. | DuPont blasting machine (c1920"s) from Boone Co. at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. | General Store shelves at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. |
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Coins & scrip used at coal mine company stores at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. | Quilt (1888) made by Campbell sisters at Mannington, Marion Co., at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. | Quilt (c1930's) made by Elizabeth Castco at Walton, Roanne Co., WV at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. | Rocking chair used in governor's office (1890's) in 1885 capitol at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. |
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Pilot wheel (1919) from O.F. Shearer Riverboat on Kanawha & Ohio rivers at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. | National Recovery Administration (NRA) quilt (c1933-5) at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. | Civilian Conservation Corp (CCC) banner & Depression-era symbols at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. | Civilian Conservation Corp (CCC) garrison cap (1930's) at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. |
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Trunk of member of Civilian Conservation Corp (CCC) (1930s) at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. | Ediphone dictation machine (c1880) with wax cylinders at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. | Early mechanical sealed wooden tub washing machine & wringer at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. | Gas kitchen stove (c1935) at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. |
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Bugle & 15th C Spanish canon captured during Spanish American War at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. | McClellan saddle from World War I at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. | World War II meat & grocery tokens at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. | Charleston's Scott Brothers Drug Store soda fountain (c1950's) at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. |
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Scott Brothers soda fountain at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. | Ornate mahogany stained glass windows from Scott Brothers Drug Store at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. | Syrup dispensers & National Cash Register from Scott Brothers Drug Store (1950's) at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. | Medicine & other bottles at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. |
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Collection of WV license plates at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. | Criterion music box at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. | Carved bench (1997) by John Wesley Williams, Clintonville at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. | Modern Art gallery at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. |
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Native ceramics at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. | Portrait of Julia Jackson (c1870) , daughter of Stonewall Jackson by Samantha J. Morgan Winfield at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. | Unique mechanical desk acquired (c1870) by John P. Hale , co-founder of WV State Museum at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. | Andrew Summers Rowan's clockwork cradle by Aaron Dodd Crane of NJ at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. |
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Souvenir metal commemorating mausoleum of U.S. Grant in N.Y. (April, 27, 1897) at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. | L. Hawes Hill's carving of an American Indian head for Jamestown Exposition (1907) at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. | USS West Virginia Cruiser painting (1901) at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. | Glass collection at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. |
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Pressed diamond plate, Central Glass (1867-91) Wheeling, WV at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. | USS Wheeling mustard jar (c1898) at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. | Collection of glass made at WV glass works at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. | Collection of early 20thC WV-made glass bottles at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. |
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Collection of turn-of-the-century WV-made glass bottles at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. | Collection of glass containers at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. | Collection of pressed glass made in Wheeling, WV at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. | Crackle glass ewer, Kanawha Glass in Dunbar, Kanawha Co. (1957-85) at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. |
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Collection of 20th C glassware made in WV at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. | Collection of WV pottery at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. | Stoneware crock (c1890's) from Shinnston, WV at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. | Salt-glazed Stoneware Jar by A.P. Donaghho Pottery Co., Parkersburg, WV at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. |
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Wax-top sealing jar (1875) by Richey & Hamilton of Palatine, Marion Co., WV at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. | Wax sealing crock (c1854-80) D.G. Thompson, Morgantown& fruit jar (c1875) Richey & Hamilton, Fairmont (Palatine) , Marion Co. at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. | Collection of A.P. Donaghho Pottery Co. stoneware at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. | Butter churn by W.F. Shawver Co., Charleston, WV & other Stoneware crocks at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. |
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WV yellowware pitcher (c1800-15) by unknown at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. | "Remember the Maine" pitcher (c1898) by Labelle China of Wheeling, WV at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. | Shriners pitcher with Arabian scene (c1900) by Warwick China of Wheeling, WV at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. | Vase (1906) by Homer Laughlin China, Newell, Hancock Co., WV at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. |
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Collection of Homer Laughlin china at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. | Collection of Homer Laughlin Fiesta China (1930's & 1986) at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. | Collection of Homer Laughlin china (1930's-80's) at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. | Pitcher by Paden City Pottery of Wetzel & Tyler Co., WV (1911-57) at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. |
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Bowl & saucer (c1950) by McNicol China of Clarksburg Harrison Co., WV at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. | New York World's Fair commemorative plate (1939) by Homer Laughlin China of Newell, WV at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. |