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Rhode Island School of Design Museum of Art Chace Center entrance (2008). Providence, RI. Architect: Rafael Moneo. | Entrance courtyard at RISD Museum. Providence, RI. | Pendleton House (1906) dedicated to American Decorative Arts at RISD Museum. Providence, RI. | Cycladic female figures (2500-2300 BCE) at RISD Museum. Providence, RI. |
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Babylonian terracotta brick lion relief (c605-562 BCE) at RISD Museum. Providence, RI. | Egyptian faience hippopotamus (2040-1638 BCE, 11-13th dynasty) at RISD Museum. Providence, RI. | Egyptian faience ritual rattle (664-525 BCE, 26th dynasty) at RISD Museum. Providence, RI. | Egyptian coffin of Nesmin (Ptolemaic era) from Ahkmin at RISD Museum. Providence, RI. |
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Egyptian funereal mask of man (150-160) from Fayum Oasis at RISD Museum. Providence, RI. | Egyptian funereal mask of man (c260) from Fayum Oasis at RISD Museum. Providence, RI. | Greek gold medallion (late 4th- early 3rdC BCE) from Thessaly at RISD Museum. Providence, RI. | Greek terracotta oil container in form of boar (late 4th- early 3rdC BCE) from Apulia, Southern Italy at RISD Museum. Providence, RI. |
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Greek terracotta red-figure drinking cup (rhyton) in form of bull's head (after 350 BCE) from Tarentum, Southern Italy at RISD Museum. Providence, RI. | Greek terracotta red-figure fish plate (360-320 BCE) from Campania, Southern Italy at RISD Museum. Providence, RI. | Roman fresco from villa near Fondo Bottaro (14-37 CE) at RISD Museum. Providence, RI. | Roman marble bust of Agrippina the Younger (c40 CE) at RISD Museum. Providence, RI. |
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Gallery of Roman art at RISD Museum. Providence, RI. | Roman marble sarcophagus (2ndC CE) from Dokimeion, now Afyon, Turkey at RISD Museum. Providence, RI. | Detail of lion on Roman marble sarcophagus (2ndC CE) from Dokimeion, now Afyon, Turkey at RISD Museum. Providence, RI. | Roman mosaic from villa at Daphne near Antioch (325-330) at RISD Museum. Providence, RI. |
Collection of Roman glass (6thC BCE - 4th C CE) at RISD Museum. Providence, RI. |