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Entrance to William McKinley Presidential Museum & Library (800 McKinley Monument Drive NW). Canton, OH. | Objects from McKinley's law office (late 1860s 1880s) at McKinley Presidential Museum & Library. Canton, OH. | Replica of revolving bookcase (c1890s) made in Canton at William McKinley Presidential Museum & Library. Canton, OH. | Letter press used by President McKinley in his law office at William McKinley Presidential Museum & Library. Canton, OH. |
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Desk used by Congressman McKinley (c1880) in Canton & grandfather clock (c1790) that stood in first courthouse in Canton at William McKinley Presidential Museum & Library. Canton, OH. | Desk used by President McKinley in Canton at William McKinley Presidential Museum & Library. Canton, OH. | Replica of parlor in McKinley's Canton home at William McKinley Presidential Museum & Library. Canton, OH. | Replica of parlor in McKinley's Canton home. Canton, OH. |
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Chairs and sofa belonging to McKinley extended family at William McKinley Presidential Museum & Library. Canton, OH. | Child's chair with table at William McKinley Presidential Museum & Library. Canton, OH. | Replica of White House room furnished with objects belonging to McKinley at William McKinley Presidential Museum & Library. Canton, OH. | Kimball grand piano played at White House by Ida McKinley at William McKinley Presidential Museum & Library. Canton, OH. |
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Calling card tray made of steel with silver plate, gift from the Iron Workers of America & used at White House at William McKinley Presidential Museum & Library. Canton, OH. | Partner's desk, one of McKinley's White House furnishings, along with 45 star flag & stand presented to President McKinley at William McKinley Presidential Museum & Library. Canton, OH. | Partner's desk used at White House by President McKinley at William McKinley Presidential Museum & Library. Canton, OH. | Partner's desk and carved armchair, furnishings at McKinley White House at William McKinley Presidential Museum & Library. Canton, OH. |
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Armchair with carved elephant arms and tapestry seat among McKinley's White House furnishings at William McKinley Presidential Museum & Library. Canton, OH. | Detail of elephant carving on armchair used at McKinley's White House at William McKinley Presidential Museum & Library. Canton, OH. | Replica of the telephone used by President McKinley in the White House at William McKinley Presidential Museum & Library. Canton, OH. | Commemorative plate of The Old McKinley Home in Lisbon, OH at William McKinley Presidential Museum & Library. Canton, OH. |
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Shaving accessories used by President McKinley at William McKinley Presidential Museum & Library. Canton, OH. | McKinley's monogrammed billfold in Art Nouveau style at William McKinley Presidential Museum & Library. Canton, OH. | Top Hat belonging to President McKinley at William McKinley Presidential Museum & Library. Canton, OH. | Dinner plate from the set used by Mr. & Mrs. McKinley at the White House at William McKinley Presidential Museum & Library. Canton, OH. |
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Canton McKinley Club metal at William McKinley Presidential Museum & Library. Canton, OH. | McKinley & Hobart campaign memorabilia at William McKinley Presidential Museum & Library. Canton, OH. | Cup & saucer depicting McKinley & Hobart from first Presidential campaign at William McKinley Presidential Museum & Library. Canton, OH. | McKinley & Hobart Presidential campaign ribbon at William McKinley Presidential Museum & Library. Canton, OH. |
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Official Programme of 1897 Inaugural Ceremonies at William McKinley Presidential Museum & Library. Canton, OH. | Inaugural Ball of March 1897 commemorative card at William McKinley Presidential Museum & Library. Canton, OH. | Commemorative ribbon of 1897 inauguration presented to Mrs. McKinley by the Baltimore Republican Club at William McKinley Presidential Museum & Library. Canton, OH. | Commemorative ribbon & metal of 1897 inauguration with profiles of McKinley & Hobart at William McKinley Presidential Museum & Library. Canton, OH. |
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William McKinley & Theodore Roosevelt campaign poster, One Country One Flag, at William McKinley Presidential Museum & Library. Canton, OH. | Inaugural Ball of March 1901 commemorative card at William McKinley Presidential Museum & Library. Canton, OH. | Buttons & ribbons celebrating the second inauguration of William McKinley at William McKinley Presidential Museum & Library. Canton, OH. | Fan depicting William McKinley surrounded by Spanish American War military officers at William McKinley Presidential Museum & Library. Canton, OH. |
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Album cover photo of Admiral Dewey, hero of the Spanish American War at William McKinley Presidential Museum & Library. Canton, OH. | Cobalt blue glass candy dish embossed with Remember the Maine at William McKinley Presidential Museum & Library. Canton, OH. | Toby jug labeled the Hon. William McKinley at William McKinley Presidential Museum & Library. Canton, OH. | American folk art cane created by Easton W. Foster & presented to Mrs. McKinley & ebony cane engraved in honor of second McKinley Presidential campaign at William McKinley Presidential Museum & Library. Canton, OH. |
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Ivory & gold perfume horn presented to Mrs. McKinley from the people of Hawaii at William McKinley Presidential Museum & Library. Canton, OH. | German salt glaze decorative jug sent to President McKinley at William McKinley Presidential Museum & Library. Canton, OH. | German salt glaze decorative jug sent to President McKinley at William McKinley Presidential Museum & Library. Canton, OH. | Souvenir red glass cup commemorating the 1901 Pan American Exposition in Buffalo at William McKinley Presidential Museum & Library. Canton, OH. |
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Commemorative glass lamp base from the 1901 Pan American Exposition in Buffalo at William McKinley Presidential Museum & Library. Canton, OH. | Commemorative glass plate & stand from the 1901 Pan American Exposition in Buffalo at William McKinley Presidential Museum & Library. Canton, OH. | Mourning ribbons from Canton civic groups marking the assassination of President McKinley at William McKinley Presidential Museum & Library. Canton, OH. | Nightshirt believed to have been worn by President McKinley while trying to recover from his gunshot wounds at William McKinley Presidential Museum & Library. Canton, OH. |
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Memorial Bank from the fund raising drive for the construction of the McKinley National Memorial at William McKinley Presidential Museum & Library. Canton, OH. | Nameplate from the casket of President McKinley at William McKinley Presidential Museum & Library. Canton, OH. | Metals & ribbon from the McKinley Memorial dedication at William McKinley Presidential Museum & Library. Canton, OH. | Commemorative plate from the dedication of the McKinley Memorial at William McKinley Presidential Museum & Library. Canton, OH. |
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Commemorative plate of the life of President McKinley made after his death at William McKinley Presidential Museum & Library. Canton, OH. | Plate commemorating Mrs. McKinley at William McKinley Presidential Museum & Library. Canton, OH. | Decorative glass dish commemorating President McKinley at William McKinley Presidential Museum & Library. Canton, OH. | Commemorative plate with a portrait of President McKinley at William McKinley Presidential Museum & Library. Canton, OH. |
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Souvenir tray depicting the Temple of Music from the 1901 Pan American Exposition in Buffalo at William McKinley Presidential Museum & Library. Canton, OH. | Commemorative tray depicting Presidents Madison & McKinley from Canton at William McKinley Presidential Museum & Library. Canton, OH. | Booklet on The Scottish Ancestors of President McKinley by Edward Claypool (1897) at William McKinley Presidential Museum & Library. Canton, OH. | Mrs. McKinley's hand painted palm shaped Japanese fan at William McKinley Presidential Museum & Library. Canton, OH. |
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Silver topped whisk broom monogrammed with the initials of Mrs. McKinley at William McKinley Presidential Museum & Library. Canton, OH. | Wide rustic rocking chair used by McKinley's at McKinley Presidential Library & Museum. Canton, OH. |