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The James Thurber House museum (77 Jefferson Ave.). Columbus, OH. On National Register. | Carpentry work of front porch of The James Thurber House. Columbus, OH. | Front parlor restored to c1912 of The James Thurber House. Columbus, OH. | Front parlor restored to c1912 of The James Thurber House. Columbus, OH. |
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Coal bin beside fireplace in front parlor at The James Thurber House. Columbus, OH. | Wind up record player at The James Thurber House. Columbus, OH. | Stairway railing at The James Thurber House. Columbus, OH. | Stairway railing at The James Thurber House. Columbus, OH. |
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Library fireplace with mantle clock at The James Thurber House. Columbus, OH. | Lift front bookcase at The James Thurber House. Columbus, OH. | Cruet stand at The James Thurber House. Columbus, OH. | China cabinet & arts and crafts chair at The James Thurber House. Columbus, OH. |
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Jamie Thurber bedroom at The James Thurber House. Columbus, OH. | Budding young writer Thurber drawn plaque marking his bedroom at The James Thurber House. Columbus, OH. | Thurber drawing at The James Thurber House. Columbus, OH. | Thurber drawing with dog at stairway at The James Thurber House. Columbus, OH. |
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Thurber drawing for Thurber Carnival with printing instructions at The James Thurber House. Columbus, OH. | Let Your Mind Alone! book cover by James Thurber (1937) at The James Thurber House. Columbus, OH. | Walter Mitty Ohio license plate at The James Thurber House. Columbus, OH. | Drawing of U.S. Grant on horseback at The James Thurber House. Columbus, OH. |